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"I say this as a father of a man who ... lost his life in Iraq." —President Joe Biden ("Beau Biden died of brain cancer on May 30, 2015, at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, rather than in Iraq." —Newsweek)

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I do believe he has senility, but I have known about this idiot for over forty years. He has always been a liar, now I think even he believes them, he's like Hitlery Clinton in that he lies even when he doesn't have to, verifiable easy to prove lies, both of them. I will also say that in his heyday, at his very best, he has never been president material.


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Just a few words ... I recently had a Tit for Tat conversation with a confirmed Liberal on Facebook ... I believe I sent the individual into a mental breakdown with the question " So , How many Illegals are you Housing "    the individual blocked me and removed all his posts and naturally did not answer the question . I repeatedly asked the same question and he repeatedly brought up the previous Admin's corruption , all without answering the Question .

Just a thought !  I thought it was quite Humorous !

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