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Handgun hunting regs


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Just relying on my musty old memory, which is NOT too reliable,,, but I believe that when handguns were FIRST allowed in the Southern zone, the regs stated that they must be .35 caliber or greater, with a barrel no less than 4".....

However, I do believe the current regs allow ANY centerfire caliber, with no  restriction on barrel length...

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1 hour ago, Pygmy said:

Just relying on my musty old memory, which is NOT too reliable,,, but I believe that when handguns were FIRST allowed in the Southern zone, the regs stated that they must be .35 caliber or greater, with a barrel no less than 4".....

However, I do believe the current regs allow ANY centerfire caliber, with no  restriction on barrel length...

Your memory is right on Dan, the old regulations stated at least a 35 cal and a 4 inch barrel minimum length and  16 inches. Current handgun regulations are you just have to use a centerfire  cartridge and the barrel  length has to be 16 inches or less.


Edited by airedale
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If you are really using it for hunting, I cant imagine wanting anything less than 4"...the longer the sight radius the better your aiming capability, muzzle velocity, sight radius. 

I had a Ruger .44 SBH, and foolishly traded on something else. I have a 6" Model 28. Although the Smith has a far superior action and sights, for hunting I would rather have that Ruger back in a heartbeat. (Now, if I had a Model 29, that would change the story!). 

I am frequently surprised by guys who never would allow a rifle group of more than an inch at 100 yards, figure a 6" handgun  group at thirty yards is acceptable...just sayin.

Edited by Daveboone
poorly written
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