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Bears!!! What is everyone seeing out there?


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Bears!!! What is everyone seeing out there?

Now that the season is coming up, and I have never had the opportunity to take a bear (although this year and last year I got a TON on the trail camera), I'm getting excited.

I'd love to get a bear rug mount for the old man's cabin. Whats funny (at least I find) about bears, most people shoot them regardless of size and they vary so much in size. From a 200lb 10 year old bear to a 400lb 5 year old bear, it seems there weight is no where tied to an age as like a deer.

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I have found a ton of bear tracks and corn torn up on the farm this year. I have yet to catch one on my trail cam though. Im hoping to get one to walk by me this year, as my fiance wants a rug and I want to give the meat a try. I was told by someone that knows bear a ton better than I do that from the tracks we saw, the bear should be in the 250lb range. Good enough for me.

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