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new hunter - a few questions


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Hi, my friend and I are new hunters. We are planning on hunting turkey and deer this year. We are trying to do some scouting within the next few weeks for turkey in orange county. we got all our permits and licenses.

What should we bring/expect for going on a 1 day scouting?

can we bring rifle or shotgun with us even though we're just scouting?

Sorry for the newbie questions, We just want to be safe

Edited by phils514
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My apologies, the statement is actually:

"You may not possess a firearm of any description while bowhunting."

NOT bowhunting season.


So I guess you can carry as long as you're not bowhunting.

But personally, I don't want to be caught in a situation where I have to try and prove to the officer that I'm actually out hunting varmint and not really poaching deer. Not very convincing when carrying a high powered centerfire as oppose to a rimfire or a shotgun loaded with bird shot.

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My apologies, the statement is actually:

"You may not possess a firearm of any description while bowhunting."

NOT bowhunting season.


So I guess you can carry as long as you're not bowhunting.

But personally, I don't want to be caught in a situation where I have to try and prove to the officer that I'm actually out hunting varmint and not really poaching deer. Not very convincing when carrying a high powered centerfire as oppose to a rimfire or a shotgun loaded with bird shot.

when your sitting in the woods with a .243 during bow deer season and you have "bay bee cottontail" distress call blaring from an electronic caller, I think they will get the point.

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take a shotgun with turkey shot.you can shoot squirlls with that too.Thats if you can get close enough to the litle varmants.

Go to the DEC website.It has all the regulations and laws.That way you aren't breaking any laws.

Scout for some rubs and scrapes and deer runs for when you come back to deer hunt.While scouting move slow.super slow and do some calling for turkey.Listen for some clucking.Wear orange when moving.You could get shot.Turkey are the gost of the woods.Alott of times you wont see them or hear them till its too late.They have awsome eyesight.Best to sit still and call then move after about 30 mins to another spot and do some calling.

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