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ATVs along right-of-ways


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Probably not legal, but check with your regional DEC headquarters to be sure. Different categories of state land have different restrictions. Also, being on a non-state right-of-way, I'm not sure if or how that might change things.

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A place that I frequent on stateland has a maintained trail that intersects state and pivate property. The trail is 100% on stateland however it is maintained snowmobile trail all winter. The fellas who hunt on the private property use it for atv travel back to there place. I dont believe they are doing anything wrog.

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I am not sure what entity owns the right of way. It is surrounded by state land on both sides. There is no Posted Sign or State Land Boundary sign anywere along the right-of-way. But as for ATV use, I see two possibilities here:

1) The land is owned by the state and leased to the power company. In this case, ATV use is prohibited unless there is a sign permitting it. (There isn't)

2) The land is privately owned and leased to the power comapny. In this case, they can not be on the land without land owner permission. As I said though, they're are no posted sign or other sign indicating that the land is private.

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