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Late season tags???

WNY Bowhunter

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I'm a bit confused as to whether or not you can legally kill two bucks during the late season that starts on monday? Looking at the Reg. Guide it appears that the Regular Season tag can be use for an antlered or antlerless deer in the late season and if you have your Bow/Mz Either Sex Tag that is still valid too. So, can you legally tag two bucks during the final 9 days of season?

Edited by WNY Bowhunter
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Regular season ends 12/11. Late season Bow/MZ starts 12/12 - 20.

So actually you can kill a buck on 12/11 and use your regular tag and then on 12/12 if you're lucky enough you can kill another with Bow/MZ.

Edited by Deerthug
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Page 26 of the regulation guide.

regular season buck tag--

Antlered Deer Only

Except: May be used for Antlered or

Antlerless Deer as follows:

In Westchester County (WMU 3S).

In Suffolk County (WMU 1C).

In areas restricted to bowhunting only.

(WMUs 4J and 8C)

In late seasons (with bowhunting or

muzzleloading privilege).

Next Fall, September 27–30, 2012 in

the Northern Zone bowhunting season

with 2011/12 bowhunting privilege.

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Deerthug. your regular season buck tag is good for a buck or a doe during the late season assuming you have the bow and or ML license to go with it.

Ok so if I understand this correctly then i can use my regular season antlered tag (assuming I don't fill it by 12/11) to take with my bow either a deer with antlers or one without during the week of 12/12 to 12/20 AND I can also use my bow tag (which I did not fill during early bow) and take another one with or without antlers, between 12/12 and 12/20. Is that right?

Edited by Deerthug
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