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Another school shooting


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Truly sad! Scares the sh*t out of me when I send my kids to school in the morning.

Even worse, here are the top 20 reasons we are going to hear on why this tragedy happened:

20. It's the media's fault.

19. It's Eminem's fault.

18. It's the bully's fault.

17. It's video games.

16. It's movies.

15. It's broken homes.

14. It's being poor.

13. It's no one paying attention to you in the middle of adolescence when all these hormones are flowing.

12. It's acne.

11. It's not having as nice of clothes or homes as what your peers have.

10. It's being a teenager and not realizing that all the people picking on you won't be **** in 10 years.

9. It's being heartbroken by a girl that you think you love.

8. It's parents not being there because they have to work multiple jobs to pay for 4 dollar per gallon gas and pay the mortgage or the rent in a housing crisis.

7. It's a bad job market.

6. It's the internet.

5. It's drugs.

4. It's associating with the wrong people.

3. It's parents on drugs.

2. It's crazy rage.

And the number one excuse .

1. not enough gun control!

GIVE ME A BREAK!!! If that teacher was armed that chased him off, this tragedy could have been prevented.

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I have family that live 12 miles west of there. So tragic. Ohio does have some lacks gun laws, next to Texas. Their be jumping all over this one. Would stricker gun laws have stop this, I say No. The shooter went to Auburn Tech, what their saying locally.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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And the excuses begin:

1. Outcast,

2. Bullied

3. The student killed was dating the killer's ex-girlfriend.

Scratch off numbers 18, 13, 10, and 9.

Still waiting for the more gun control argument . . .


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Maybe I just lived in a sheltered area, but I don't remember hearing of any of this crap way back when I grew up.I know this will probably et some of the hold hands and sing songs folks upset ...but.remember when a cople of people had an issue they walked out behiind the school and settled it. Then it was done. You always were careful about bullying anyone because they had friends or an older brother and that would result in a butt whooping. You never harassed a girl ...see previous result. I just don't get what is happening.

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I'm waiting for those anti-gun people to chime in on the news that more gun control is needed.

Read between the lines Virgil and dont put words in my mouth. I'm not saying to arm all teachers. I'm just saying that if gun control laws made it easier for the regular hardworking Joe and Jane to arm themselves there would be a lot less stories like this one that end tragically.

I know if I was that teacher that chased the gunman out and I was armed I would not hesitate to drop him - not necessarily kill him- but enough to end the shooting.

Edited by Deerthug
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I am for metal detectors but that doesn't solve the problem completely. There are ways around them. I actually represent a client who was stabbed by another student who managed to get an 8" metal switchblade passed them into school grounds. But you said it yourself in your earlier post that gun crime is solved with more guns. I assume you meant the same thing I did that stricter gun control would not prevent these tragedies. All it would do is prevent us hardworking good people from defending ourselves or our loved ones if the need arises.

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Maybe we should let the students carry- so they can protect themselves. Maybe we should keep guns with the fire extinguishers so that all anyone has to do is 'break the glass' if the need arises.

Who said to arm students or to hang them like fire extinguishers? That is farfetched.

You have to agree that if a responsible adult who is trained in handling a firearm was legally armed then this and other tragedies like this one would not occur.

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You have to agree that if a responsible adult who is trained in handling a firearm was legally armed then this and other tragedies like this one would not occur.

Yes, i would agree with that. But, since there is no way to guarantee that a gun will stay in the hands of a responsible and trained adult once it leaves the store(as this case proves), I believe that there needs to be more control of them.

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That sounds like a reasonable statement on the face of it, but the sad truth is that the wrong people use a statement like that to effect my rights even though I never did anything wrong.

That same statement can be applied to children also. It would read like this:

" there is no way to guarantee that a child gun will stay in the hands of a responsible and trained adult once it leaves the womb store(as this case proves), I believe that there needs to be more control of them children."

Wouldn't that make more sense? When I was raised Mom stayed home and knew what was going on with us. She even snooped on us and once confiscated my favorite pocket knife hidden in my room. I think parents need to get back to parenting. I would be curious to learn more about his upbringing or lack thereof.

I don't think the firearm should be blamed. He could have done alot more damage with a gallon of gas in the right place. The greatest mass murder in NYC before 9/11 was close to a hundred people and the killer used a gallon of gas. Funny how no one called for banning gas to drunks with no car.

Edited by wooffer
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So you set me up I see for this gun control argument LOL!!

But seriously, we don't know at least not yet, where this kid got this gun. It could have been a legally purchased gun by his parents or guardian, and this kid managed to get his hands on it. Or he could have gotten it from someone on the street for all I know. I'm sure we'll find this out soon enough. But no matter where he managed to get the gun from, the results would be entirely different if another responsible adult was able to legally arm themselves.

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So you set me up I see for this gun control argument LOL!!

But seriously, we don't know at least not yet, where this kid got this gun. It could have been a legally purchased gun by his parents or guardian, and this kid managed to get his hands on it. Or he could have gotten it from someone on the street for all I know. I'm sure we'll find this out soon enough. But no matter where he managed to get the gun from, the results would be entirely different if another responsible adult was able to legally arm themselves.

Typically you are right, but this seemed to have happed very fast. An armed college student shot a psycho years back who was shooting up the place, I think in VA.

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