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Pandora's Box Has Opened On All Gun Manufacturers

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 Remington has made an offer to the victims families of Sandy Hook . If this gets accepted by the courts and the families, just think of the consequences for every gun manufacturer and every firearms owner . It is now officially the  " Guns Fault " and not the deranged shooter. I can picture the Biden Anti Gun Administration just frothing at the mouth to write up new gun laws of registration and mandatory insurance for every firearm owned . Then insurance companies will charge whatever they want to insure each firearm you own just in case the gun decides to slide out of your house at night to shoot somebody . Now picture how many other lawsuits will be filed against every firearm manufacturer for every previous shooting that has happened no matter what the circumstances . Didn't Biden mention he wanted to charge $200 to $800 registration fee for every firearm and high capacity magazine owned ?  Since there is no " Statute Of Limitations " for murder , does that mean everyone and anyone that has had a family member shot in many years past can file a lawsuit against the manufacturer ? Even gang members that were shot by other gangs ? Pandora's Box is officially open if this decision becomes precedent . After all. It is now the " Guns Fault " and not the shooter.  And if its the guns fault , then they all need to be registered and insured. Right ? 


Edited by SportsmanNH
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Maybe. Maybe not. Defendants regularly settle cases to make them go away. All depends on the terms of the settlement. I don't see anything in the news article stating that Remington has admitted anything, I only see the financial side which Remington might see as a "win".

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America needs to change it's lawsuit rules to a "Loser Pays" system like they have in some of Europe.  If you sue and lose, you pay the defendants legal fees.

Our system allows a plaintiff to harass the defendant for years, costing them millions.  Lawyers love it, but it doesn't lead to a just ending.

P.S.  There is a Federal Law that says the firearm manufacturer cannot be held liable for these types of illegal events and the gun maker isn't responsible for the criminal misuse of their gun.  Why have the courts not tossed the case then?  Because it's not about stopping these things from happening.  It's about stopping gun makers from making guns.

Edited by Grouse
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