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Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel on Microstamping

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Thought this was very interesting...

Taken from another forum:

This happened in Albany at the Sportsman Day. I rode the SCOPE Bus from Buffalo. NRA News was there and got a video interview with Michelle Schimmel.

She got a little frustrated and blurted out the truth about her agenda for a change.

Can you imagine if some one had said that blacks, or Hispanic, or Christians or lesbians or sluts had to give up some of their liberties for the public good.

It would make national news. But alas, this woman is part of the majority in Albany so there is nothing to see here please move along.

This is what she said referring to gun owners opposed to micro stamping.

"...sometimes responsible people...the law abiding... have to give up some of their liberties for the public good....."

Link: http://www.nranews.c...ideoModule/6355

Make sure to watch Wayne LaPierre's speech in Albany too.

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Sometimes these people are the best advocates for gun ownership when they continue to spout ridiculous things as this lady does. Is there any way that anyone could confuse this congresswoman with a rational, thinking, person? I never heard such ridiculous, disjointed, babbling in all my life ..... lol.

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Sometimes these people are the best advocates for gun ownership when they continue to spout ridiculous things as this lady does. Is there any way that anyone could confuse this congresswoman with a rational, thinking, person? I never heard such ridiculous, disjointed, babbling in all my life ..... lol.

I know, it makes me really ponder how in the hell she is in the position she's in... I am not big on politics, never was, but the more and more I look into issues that I care about the more I see how utterly absurd some of these politicians really are.
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She obviously has no clue about how micro stamping would affect the gun industry, or gun owners. She actually says so in the video. Why would she propose a law that she admits she has no understanding of the consequences? Her mentality seems to be, "Let's pass laws and see what happens."

The crime here is, the information about micro stamping being worthless and it's huge negative affect on NY State, is out there. She obviously is not open minded enough, or intelligent enough, to look objectively into the situation. The bias against guns in the legislatures of this country is maddening!

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Just saw on the news this stupid law just got voted down again. Thanks to all the smart legislators who voted against it and all the voters who called in to support them for doing so.

Edited by Grouse
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The statement she made in theory is not wrong in my opinion. It is the actual application or practicality of it with this particular issue that is insane.

Let's enforce the gun laws we already have on the books versus creating others that are ridiculous and would only effect primarily law abiding people.

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