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I am not ashamed to admit I am paranoid when it comes to Ticks after getting a good dose of Lyme Disease a couple of years ago and I will be doing everything I can think of to keep them at bay. Sprays, repellents and various clothing are all part of the arsenal. Going up your pant legs is one of their favorite ways of crawling up and getting to a place to drill you. I have "elimitick: socks and I spray my boots and pant legs with "Sawyers" and for an added layer I wear Sawyers soaked gaiters which seal off your pant cuffs to your boots. Just replaced my previous set of cheap night lite gaiters which worked but were basically just elastic and would move around not staying in place very good. The new ones are much better class, waterproof "Kenetrek" hunting gaiters that have straps top and bottom that keep them in place. Gaiters also work well when having to go through brushy terrain and crossing some water, while not for standing around in water they work do well to keep your feet and pants dry for making a quick stream crossing.

First day for Northern zone tomorrow, the weather has cooled and I will be doing a little still hunting and testing these gaiters out to see if I like them.


Edited by airedale
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Seems like a smart idea.  I usually spray the legs of my bibs with Sawyers, but the gaiters ought to give some added protection.  

I have never found a tick stuck to me, but when I was driving my pickup back from the butcher’s in Harrisville after dropping my wmu 6c doe off this Tuesday, I felt a tick crawling up the back of my neck.  I grabbed it quick and pinched off its head.

 This area is loaded with them.  I brought my last whole deer  from up here home (to wmu 9f) in 2016.  After finding hundreds of ticks on that buck,  I decided to never bring another one home from here to process (butchers are also a lot cheaper up here).  

I have rarely found any on the deer from wmu 9F.  I don’t even bother with the Sawyers when hunting  around home.  my dad did get Lyme from one   A few years ago (he lives on the opposite corner of wmu 9F from me).  I hunt at his place a lot, so I probably should use Sawyers and gaiters there and at home.

Since it lasts for 6 washes, I should be good to go with the three pair of bibs and pants that I treated prior to my current trip to wmu 6c.  I will add some gaiters to my arsenal  of tick protection prior to this trip next year. Thanks for the tip.

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