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2 moultrie I-40 cams for $149.99

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How much was the shipping charge ?

Ed,,fill in the form with your info,as soon as you have it filled out,don't click anything,it automatically shows the shipping.It was $15 for me to 18621.

Think I might order them tomorrow,seems like a good deal to me.

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I bought them a few months ago but forgot how much I paid for shipping . The only problem I had with the cameras is .... if you set it on a 3 pic shot , it takes a crapload of pictures as it is quite sensitive to any movement . leaves falling from trees trip the camera but it takes great pics . And the batteries last quite a long time !

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Looking forward to your report Single_shot... Having little time to actually get upstate to scout I usually do it during bow season or the week of the hunt. Yet if I can get a few of these cam's set up I would have additional scouting information availible with a extra trip... Just want to make sure it is worth the 6 hour drive up.

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