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  3. This is in one of the most traveled areas of big bucks during rut. Right between bedding and food. They travel through here so often. I made this stand so i could have two people in it. Adult and child. Mentoring the young ones is so special. "rock and Roll ave"!
  4. This Mus thought it could sneak by me. Silly Mus....Splat ! SJC
  5. Last week
  6. Took her down to the spot in the woods. Used some big starps and 2x6 on the bucket of tractor. Took it slow all good!
  7. Great idea, but I have 3 to take. They all want to go with Papa. They say I get really close to deer,.
  8. Way behind on the pic’s in the middle of an expansion going to 300 head. Got some cool in the mist pic’s out reseeding some pens.
  9. Awesome post! Just finishing up this hunting blind for two people to hunt from. Kid and adult. I've mentored a few times and those were my trophy moments. That stand goes in my favorite spot on the property. When down ther and finished I'll share the name of it!!!
  10. Well it won't be long before the new paper tags make their debut, I get the lifetime license in the mail and have to sign up online for the bow and muzzleloader tags. I t will be interesting to see how smooth the rollout is. Al
  11. I will be going to town hall too for my license.. Last year I used my debit card to pay and there was a fee for that. Paying cash this time.
  12. Years ago I bought one of those four in one printers , its going to come in handy !
  13. I will continue to stop into the local town hall to uptain a license. Wouldn't surprise me if they charge extra for getting it there. I can't justify a printer and ink for the extra cost. The days coming when an app will be all you need to show proof of hunting license and carcass tags.
  14. On my jog I ran into 2 hens and about 20 Poults! Been a real long time for seeing that. Pictures not great. They all flew off to another field.
  15. I'm in your camp. I actually received two sets of license last year. Some friends said keep them and use it as needed. I did the right thing and called in and they voided one set. Seriously I do not have a printer and no need for one. I buy online. There better be an option for them sending me a paper copy. Really what are we doing here saving what being greener how. I don't get this decision.
  16. Yeah its cool. Seeing some nice ones but they always look bigger in velvet!
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