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  1. Yesterday
  2. Have you checked on your NYS Pistol recertification ? Mine is due this December .
  3. Every now and then I watch farming shows on youtube from different foreign countries, I find the videos from Asia especially interesting as they use some pretty primitive techniques and tools and still get tremendous results. Two of the most indispensable tools they use constantly are a couple of knives, a large sickle blade and a squared off ended chopping knife, the amount of use these knives get and the tasks they perform with them are something and I was impressed. So much so that I decided to get one of each and give them a try for tasks both on the farm and in hunting situations making blinds and clearing brush and branches. They will replace my 40 year old machete that has gotten a bit long in the tooth. Al
  4. Here's a sign that I have to put out in front of our driveway.
  5. I have noticed that funny looking shape on the end of two of the tines in the picture. I have seen that same shape on the tips of a few of the antlers around here. Does anyone know what causes that weird disruption in antler growth so often? Is it some kind of injury or something that occurs at the end of antler growth sometimes?
  6. I saw this week that big doe with her triplets!
  7. Bigfoot caught on trail camera in Oregon
  8. Colder than a polar bears toe nail this winter. We had below average snowfall this year in the Buffalo area. I live north of the city and we tend to get considerably less snow than 5 miles south. I wish the lake ice would melt so the bone chilling winds would calm.
  9. Last week
  10. Number 3 for me. The match to number 1 find.
  11. Yeah, I seeing a lot more on the move in the last week or so. Just north of you Eddie. Robby
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