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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/24 in all areas

  1. So as a vegan hunter; you plant yourself in your stand, while your family at home all root for your hunt to be fruitful, and you wait for something to turnip. : )
    2 points
  2. Very nice stand! I can just picture myself falling asleep in there. lol
    1 point
  3. Saw the local Hen out in my back pasture and she still has 5 half grown poults in tow, biggest brood I have seen in recent years. Al
    1 point
  4. Well the 2023 season is now a wrap for me. I again found a hit list of 3 of the top bucks in my hunting area of one of the greatest places in the state in Letchworth and it was one of those three or bust… Unless an even bigger buck showed itself. Was lucky enough to keep track of the three and harvesting one of them until the rut carried them off to yonder lands. He green scored 127 plus. Once guns started banging my standards are lowered to nothing but a mature buck regardless of size. The 2nd 8pt was a fighter for sure. Cut ear, holes in his hide on his forehead and an infected puncture wound in behind his front leg. Filled a couple freezer queens to keep things in check.
    1 point
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