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Everything posted by Shoots100

  1. This one didn't know it was playing hide and splat with me. SJC
  2. The little ones are hanging out in the wrong area. No loitering here mus ! SJC
  3. This mus showed up so quickly that the mosquito's didn't have time to pester me. SJC
  4. 6/18 was a good night for splattering Mus. SJC
  5. No rest available, so I had to take an offhand shot. SJC
  6. Honey is the nectar of the God's. Have a friend that has a few hives next to his blueberry fields and the honey is awesome. I might be persuaded to barter predator elimination for honey. SJC
  7. Two second chances in one day, Amazing. I weight sort my pellets as I was getting some flyers. Haven't had an issue, but the first shot on this mus was high and the follow up shot dead on. I took it to the basement range and had no issues. SJC
  8. I don't get many second chances. SJC
  9. This on thought it could hide behind a leaf. Silly Mus SJC
  10. Tried to hide behind an old lawn mower. Mowed it down anyway. SJC
  11. Shoots100


    Love boats when docked and ready for action. Hate trailering and launching them, especially when doing it solo. SJC
  12. These two videos are of some 30+ yrd shots at some country Mus at my brothers place upstate. He's was having a hard time with the Mus in his garage, so I thought I'd see what the Baraga/RIX combo could do to help out. I started to weight sort my pellets after having some accuracy issues and it did help a lot, as I dropped 9 of 11 Mus engaged at 30+ yards during the trip. I also used a Trigger stick tripod with a Trigger stick monopod under the buttstock for stability. SJC
  13. This Mus was just hanging around till a pellet ended it's night. It popped out around 8 ft away, so I had to hold over because I had the rifle sighted in at 30 yards for my adventure upstate to visit my brother to help drop some country Mus. SJC
  14. Looks like the predator took out a Mus last night. SJC
  15. https://dec.ny.gov/nature/animals-fish-plants/plants/harmful-plants
  16. Got this one soon after dropping the rat. Don't know what's happening with my zero at longer distances, but it seems to be hitting an inch high at 20 yards, which is what I ranged this one at. It stacks pellets in my basement range target, so I'm going to have to bring the setup to the range and get it dialed in one day. SJC
  17. Saw this crawling around the neighbors property earlier in the week. No mistaking what it was, the plague ! It finally came to the bait I set out for it last night. Plague eRaticated ! SJC
  18. This one played hide and seek all night long. Patience is a virtue when Night stalking. You need to be prepared to take a shot when it's presented. As seen in this video, that's sometimes a difficult task when Mus hunting. Just wait, it'll happen. SJC
  19. Changed the battery, hydrated and went out again. These two tried to hide, but there's no hiding from thermal. The Barra's trigger breaks clean so it's easy to thread the needle with it. A vast improvement over the Fusion 2's trigger. SJC
  20. Well the Barra got off to a bad start with two misses last night. I took it inside to check zero and stacked them tight. I guess it shoots better when gassed lower than 2,000 psi. So I loaded the magazine and went out again. It didn't disappoint. This one must've thought it was safe after the misses, wrong !
  21. All you need to do is mix 1-1/2 - 2 lbs of salt into a gallon of water. The vinegar and soap are useless against P I. SJC
  22. Yes sir, it's great practice and keeps me in tune with using the back up thermal scope + monocular that don't get much use during the regular season. I've been mulling it over and after digging out all of the Cabela gift cards I've had lying around, I pulled the trigger on a PCP air rifle this afternoon. I bought a Barra 1100Z .177 cal rifle and Buck Rail moderator. Should be a deadly combo. SJC
  23. This is a mouse that wouldn't sit still for a shot earlier in the evening. SJC
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