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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Shoots100

  1. My buddy hit #3 of a pair that came into 170 yards before the wind shifted. Had a hole I could stick my fist into. I gave the second dog a try at 300 yards, but aimed a little high.
  2. Number Two. It was hit two times before this shot. They are tough to kill sometimes.
  3. Better get there early if you want a shot at buying the gun. SJC
  4. As with any small bullet going really fast, they get easily deflected by obstructions. It's one of the hazards woods predator hunters face when hunting at night where branches and brush aren't easily seen with NV and thermal optics. This male coyote ran into a swamp after the shot and I had to track it down and finish it off. This is the last coyote I took with my backup AGM Adder scope, as I sold it to a friend in upstate NY. SJC
  5. So Nice they need a shill to announce it on another site ?
  6. The wind was in our favor and this male was dropped at 18 paces with the Impulse 22-250/XP50 LRF. The dog to the left got lucky and disappeared as I was letting my buddy that couldn't see the dogs coming in know one was coming in and real close too. SJC
  7. There's a coyote hunting contest in Orange and Sullivan counties this week/weekend. SJC
  8. We live in the most anti gun and anti hunting state with a conservation department that uses hunter license funds to fund anti hunting ad's and programs. What do you think the perception of hunting by younger generations will be ? Go to other states and the youth are hunting and fishing. Don't lump the Tri state area in with the rest of the free states in America. NY state sucks and has been sucking for decades. When it gets sucked down the hole, at least I'll have some fond memories of how it used to be while living in a free red state. SJC
  9. In the mid 70's my father and his Army buddies "Uncles" bought a cabin in the Catskills together and introduced all of their siblings to the outdoors. Some of my Uncles were serious men and hunters. Every year we would travel to Maine, where they would load up their canoes and go Bow hunting for a week in the backwoods. We would wait with the other families in the campground until they returned. We learned a lot about how to survive in the woods and had to prove our proficiency + safety with firearms before we were introduced to hunting. Being we were kids, Deer camp was out until we we're of age and unfortunately by that time the cabin was sold. That didn't stop us from being out in the woods though and my father did the best he could to keep it that way. Of course we had a lot more woods to hunt back then. My father was a Bronx city boy. If it wasn't for his moms side being dairy farmers and him spending summers upstate on the farm being exposed to the out of doors, my life would probably be a lot different. SJC
  10. That's a beautiful buck. It's been around awhile, so maybe one of it's offspring will take it's place.
  11. Got a couple of hours afield before the deluge of rain. Small female Enhanced Impulse .243/Halo X50 https://youtu.be/3kB9_T80Waw
  12. ?????? You can't tell from the first pic that it's a .416 Rem mag Semi auto mannlicher carbine cheytac Ruger 10/22 ? SJC
  13. I'm on call this weekend and had to take care of an emergency, so my buddy went out solo Friday night. With a storm approaching I knew the dogs would be on the prowl, especially at the two new farms we just got access to. He dropped 2 coyote and a big fox. This is the second time he's hunted solo and I couldn't be more proud of his success. SJC
  14. Made it rain Fox bit's on the second property we visited on 1/1
  15. Savage now has seven Impulse Models, so it hasn't fallen by the wayside, it's riding the wave till the Neanderthal turn bolt rifle users wake up. SJC
  16. My inline smoke poles have breech plugs, so I remove the pellets when not in use or as Wolc said, leave them out in the environment so the metal has less of a chance to condensate. Gave up using flintlocks and cap smoke poles for the FTF issues. SJC
  17. All we have to do is tell her that all wildlife votes republican and she'll rip up that legislation and put a bounty on all wildlife !
  18. More Kabuki theatre for the lefty slugs to feed on. I wonder how much it cost George Soros to make four court justices give up their ethics ?
  19. Most of the Republicans and a lot of blue dog Democrats retired and moved or left the state during the covid lockdowns and never looked back, ensuring a total lockdown for the Democrats here. If you think otherwise, your taking advantage of the lax drug laws being passed. The RINO GOP here dangle the carrot in front of us long enough to vote them in, then pull the rug from under us. Happened with Astorino and Zeldin. At least we know where we stand with the Democrats.
  20. Recently I was pursuing the Target webstore for a small gift for the wifey and found that they have this in their categories. Target Racism
  21. I think the best meat on a deer is the back strap's, so no high shoulder shots for me, even on one of those saber toothed deer ! I strive for the heart/ lung area and no meat damage. SJC
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