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  • Gender
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    _where the deer are
  • Interests
    Hunting is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Axis 308
  • Bow
    Elite Pulse & Energy35

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  1. @luberhill try this one https://wittmachine.net/product/custom-clamp-on-muzzle-brake/
  2. Yes quite a bit different but gas gun wont be as accurate as a bolt for some reason. Get the 270, throw a recoil tamer muzzle brake and softer butt pad, the difference will be barely noticeable between the 270 and 243
  3. That spike will be a really good tall one in 2 seasons..
  4. I once went on a hunting trip in hopes of chasing some white whitetails at Sampson state park. It was bow season and I along with 3 hunters walked out of the parked truck and past a giant 10pt bedded in the ditch 10yrds away. Never saw it until I turned back to grab something from the truck and when I was a few yards away thats when it got up and disappeared in the thickets. They sure know how to survive pressure and pattern us very well.
  5. Its the extreme temperature swings. My steel barn would do it for the first few yrs in summer like a rifle shot and then eventually settled. The deck boards pop when its cold over night and then during day as it warms up.
  6. Keep the scope and sell the bow for $150
  7. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
  8. Read somewhere 90% of deer are killed by 10% of hunters
  9. Hope you all get this like i do Diff between living and breathing
  10. Never got the right wind to hunt
  11. On high heat they only last 3hrs The colder it is the sooner the battery discharges
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