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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. This link shows hospitals mostly from the north east states which have some of the highest vaccination rates already. Take Ohio for example npr stated yesterday we have a 40% vaccination rate. The major hospital networks tried last year to have a vaccine mandate And rescinded it quickly do to staffing not willing to comply. I believe it will have more effect in some regions than others. The one size fits all mandate by the federal government just shows me another reason I do not want government ran universal health care.
  2. In November 30% of health care workers remained unvaccinated could not find any current number.
  3. If you can’t go to the same restaurant as someone with a card is it not the definition of second class citizens segregated by government rules.
  4. Glad I didn’t bet on memes today. From a race today someone sent it to me and I thought it was fitting.
  5. Sometimes the irony is the part thats funny. Find humor in it either way and crack a smile. They say the left can’t meme but some memes suck on the right side too.
  6. Does this effect the current 2 week southern tier crossbow season besides having to take the archery course?
  7. Bloomberg say cannabis compounds prevent infection in lab studies. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-12/cannabis-compounds-prevented-covid-infection-in-laboratory-study
  8. Supreme court rulings. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/supreme-court-blocks-biden-vaccine-mandate-for-businesses-backs-health-care-worker-rule/ar-AASKKRg?ocid=uxbndlbing
  9. Which is strange with this on cdc site. They do not call out vaccination status but list 5% without comorbidities. Which is down from 6% in April. Seems with all the vaccinations sense April we have only seen a 1% drop. Now I know different strains play some part in these numbers but I expected more of a drop. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm table 3 on sight
  10. Don’t you think that analogy to Covid with comorbidity is a stretch.
  11. Where did you find 99% it is much higher than anything I can find and the lower numbers I found where for delta? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm0620
  12. So because you are into the facts it is not 20 times more likely to die it is a 11 times start at 20:40 in senate hearing video from Dr. Walensky today. I will ask again as I did yesterday for a link to your source information of this miss information.
  13. I always like the propane lights in my grandparents cabin nice relaxing orange glow. Much more relaxing than listening to the generator. https://www.propanegaslight.com/lighting/paulin-humphrey-mr.-heater-indoor-gas-lights-9-1.html
  14. Could you make or buy a weed burner to use before tilling. https://flameengineering.com/products/reddragonmultipurposeflamer
  15. Also the states with the least welfare recipients per 100k are republican so is the boot strap thing really not holding up. It’s easy to spin the narrative if you refuse to look at the whole puzzle (cherry picking). These old democratic talking points are easy to see through. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/welfare-recipients-by-state
  16. Who = a person from Virginia https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state
  17. How is what I said look at the poverty rate adjusted for cost of living nonsense. New York is in the top ten with California being number 1. But you can’t refute what I said as nonsense when it’s the fact’s. https://mises.org/wire/california-has-nations-worst-poverty-rate-new-census-data-shows
  18. Do you have a link that shows this is without the booster or not fully vaccinated as I could not find one that defined vaccination status clearly that matched that data?
  19. How you wrote this it is correct but if you take the time to look into it further the argument does not have much meaning. Look up the poverty rate by state adjusted for cost of living and your narrative fails quickly.
  20. You agreed that Fauci lied so yes there is a lot of miss information that has been put out some from the head scientist. Some don’t want to be the one to buy a Daewoo, you know the company that out sold Kia but collapsed in the USA after 4 years and screwed the customers. Some just want to give it time as we have all already seen the science evolve though out this. Where you finding parts for your daewoo these days anyway?
  21. Can we quit calling this a vaccine yet? If I am hungry and a sandwich lessens the symptom is a sandwich a vaccine? Even if I will be subject to hunger later as the sandwich wanes and I will need another booster sandwich.
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