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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Why does everyone not get covered if the government is the one causing the mandates. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/owcp/FECA/regs/compliance/DFECfolio/FECABulletins/FY2020-2024
  2. If you would like to come down to 9j with @Biz-R-OWorld I can hook you up with a tag and a spot.
  3. Does anyone know the legality of using publicly funded national guardsmen in a private for profit businesses?
  4. Where are you finding the long term data on the ill effects of the covid19 mRNA vaccines?
  5. It was really sweet. We didn’t get many watermelons, but the ones we did get so far have been big and good. We planted one sugar baby and one crimson sweet grown from seeds.
  6. Article states Pfizer was one of the largest takers of warp speed money. Not for R and D but still from warp speed.
  7. Are you talking r and d money or supply contract as Pfizer took a lot from the Trump program on the supply end. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/11/24/938591815/pfizers-coronavirus-vaccine-supply-contract-excludes-many-taxpayer-protections
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