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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Had 6 does come in behind me only on good sized one . Couldn’t get on her but a fun morning sit. Heading out for lunch
  2. Pharmacist can’t answer vaccine question states he should not be giving them in full video. Put up YouTube link which is only part of conversation if people don’t trust bitschute which has full conversation. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hk2eGxMLhyCF/
  3. No fact behind this at all and just a weird thought I had. What if with the US government was shifting from the petrodollar to the pharmadoller with all the green energy push. Again no facts behind this at all and just a weird thought I had.
  4. I think having so many small game seasons open would be just as hard or harder on the herd. As small game hunters seem to move around a lot more and cover more ground than deer hunters and the seasons go to the end of February. Seems like hiking, small game hunting along with a lot of other uses of people properties would bump the herd around more than hunting deer for a few more days. These are just my thoughts and I could be viewing it wrongly as a tree stand based hunter with my primary hunting property only being 15 acres and only having myself on it for 8 hunting and 2 none hunting days to put in a small food plot this year. What are your thoughts?
  5. Not a striper but I will bite again I guess. See the benefits may out way the risk in people that are old, have comorbidities or are just plan obese. Being that I don’t have these issues I will wait and continue to watch as look how much has changed in the last two years. The mandates is where I have a issue. Not that you or anyone one got the vaccine it was your choice. And if you truly regret getting the vaccine as you have stated and I doubt “another one of your trolls” maybe you should have waited on it. Maybe if you just start calling it the Fauci vaccine you will feel better and not regret your hasty decision. Also with no comment back about my question on trolling on a post of a 19 year old with cardiac arrest I guess I will have to continue to believe you think it is a ok way to act.
  6. The better question is why didn’t Fauci say Trump was telling the truth?
  7. Being you keep trolling with the Trump vaccine stuff here is a email between Fauci and Zuckerberg before operation warp speed began, discussing the vaccine. It was released due to a FOIA request. Operation warp speed was more for the distribution and production of the vaccine not the developing of it. I am not sure if you already knew this. Does trolling when some one is commenting on cardiac arrest of a 19 year old seem okay to you?
  8. I understand you where/are arguing with wolc and I don’t really care. But comments like that may stop others from posting their harvest and I do care about that. Just asking for you to be a little more couth. Some go out and swing for a home run every time some just want to go out and play the game and are lucky to even get a hit. Most are some where in between.
  9. This comment is of very bad taste and really inappropriate.
  10. I have posted this before and I was not sure if you had checked it out. Comments from medical professionals about vaccine adverse effects. https://www.medscape.com/sites/public/covid-19/vaccine-insights/how-concerned-are-you-about-vaccine-related-adverse-events Here is the fact check/bias report it looks to be trust a trust worthy site. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/medscape/?amp=1
  11. While I don’t know if Trump made money on the pandemic a lot of the rich surely did. States shutting down small businesses and leaving the big businesses open has gained the billionaires 70%. https://ips-dc.org/u-s-billionaire-wealth-surged-by-70-percent-or-2-1-trillion-during-pandemic-theyre-now-worth-a-combined-5-trillion/
  12. Are those shower beers in cups? I need a better shower.
  13. Not sure if it’s a double account by Blackbeltbill or not but this is all I could think of this.
  14. My first comment did not quote anyone. Than you quoted me and I replied to it by quoting you to explain my first comment and why I made it. Could you go back to the start of our interaction today. And start again because I have no clue what you are talking about and what your deal is.
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