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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phantom

  1. I took the ny safty course over 35 years ago not sure where it is now maybe it turned to dust at this point . The place is near Danbury he says there like all over his lawn looking in the windows of his house to lol He didn't see anything with a big rack though , yet anyway he just moved there few days ago.
  2. Not bad takes me over 2 hours to get there if not for that I would go more often .
  3. What's the process if you're out of state and want to hunt Connecticut Can you just show them your New York State hunting license and then buy theirs Or do you have to take their safety course.
  4. Friend of mine just bought a house in Connecticut says it's infested with deer wants to know if you can hunt there with a bow wants to know how far he has to stay from houses i looked could not find anything on Distance limits for archery anyone know ?
  5. Yep, The way I see it they go after him so hard because he showed them up, was better at being in charge then the so called career politicians . So they are going crazy trying to dirty him up . Its just Jealousy. Ironically at this point they're actually doing more harm than good to themselves because everybody can tell what's going on if you got half a brain at this point They've been exposed.
  6. I have hunted adirondacks only a hand full of times had a good time but no luck so far . Like to here some storys you know get me Motivated to go back up there again this year maybe .
  7. Yes unless they have consequences themselves for their actions they're not going to change
  8. I would argue that flooding the country with illegals creates more global warming according to them but you know They are hypocrites someone should point that out to them Carbon footprint of an American is 10 times what it is of someone from South America you bring them here you create more pollution by 10× as the illegal will adopted our lifestyle once they get here .
  9. They didn't make theirs they took ours they way i see it Would they give him, Netflix give him a 100 million dollar deal if he was a manager at McDonald's. ? trump was already rich and famous. You do not see the difference What about the Clinton's think they'd have all that money if slick Willie was not president? They are carpet baggers i think thats the term for them .
  10. Nope these guys want communism let them have it for themselves no mansions for presidents unless they had one before they were president presidents these guys do things that line there Pockets then get 5 or 6 mansions after they screw everything up for the rest of us . You think biden deserves to get even richer after he Messed up ? The 400 K pension they get is good enough . Everything else should be confiscated and go to charity. Thats the only Communism I support like I said for the politicians. Not going to happen but but it should . Not for nothing trump donated his Is presidential pay to charity. Obama took that and a whole bunch more with all the rest of them . Let them try and get rich with out being in gov first see how hard it is then maybe they will think twice before they do something that Destroy's business .
  11. Thats just criminal that they got that wealthy off goverment they supose to be there helping the people not themselfs Should be a law if you weren't rich before you got a government job you shouldn't be able to get that rich from that government job that's ridiculous thats all bribe money. That's the only communism I support Wealth Restrictions for politicians . Bet if you did a poll 90% would agree but you never see it hapen . Think of all the illegals you could house in one of those mansions you think they'll do it nope they want them to live in your house not theirs.
  12. Just kinda brushed over this topic but even if its changing how will we ever be able to stop or control the change? Its like they are trying tp control something that can not be Controlled. My guess is they know this and its all just a clever way for them to control us just like they Exaggerated the threat of covid to get more control for themselfs It's the same scam taking a small problem and blowing it up for money and power . People want to save the earth make more state parks, wild life refuges instead they play games with are energy Supply while china russia indian and bunch of others use everything they can Get their hands on oil gas coal wood Nuclear , everything
  13. Not surprised i read norther yots are part wolf anyway from dna studies . Probably came down from Canada they can travel huge Distances . I don't think hunting alone will ever get rid of wolves once they come back When they got rid of them way back when it was poisoning trapping and hunting that did them in . I think more the posioning then anything else which will never be allowed again . I got yots on my cams 10 feet in front of my house yet never seen one .
  14. Have not had chance to shoot it yet with the red dot on but i have a big enough head that part of my face still makes contact with stock Recoil on that guns around 15 foot-pounds. If i get scoped i will send you pictures lol its got a good recoil pad on it so i dont notice the kick much on that gun .
  15. Yep true thats why i went and got very light reflex site for it Weights nothing 63 grams. My favorite hunting rifle i like to use has the lowest Magnification 6.5 x20 50mm . Makes it really hard to take close fast shot with that And with ammo being scarce and pricey these days I don't want to switch guns . I just wanted something That's useful for pretty much every hunting scenario I can think of. From still hunting to tracking in the snow to hunting a open area . Think its going to work out will see whats happens .
  16. My cousin likes to hunt with ar 10 platform has that setup . Was thinking why not put one on my bolt gun on top of the scope as backup or for fast shots close in shots in thick woods then i saw this . Any down side to this ?
  17. Personally I'd rather just spend a week hunt in the catskills or the Daxs then go to a fence hunt . I met this guy not to long ago that goes on all those hunts all over the world Showed me pictures of a lion he shot a Nile crocodile he shot and a eland said the eland he shot was like 2 biggest ever shot in the world . Nice guy gave me his number if i ever wanted to go with him and his friends he goes 5 or 6 times a year on those hunts . Actually I'm not even sure if they were fenced or not fence hunts he goes on or both maybe did not get into it with him didn't want to Offend him you know people get offended when you bring up fenced hunts . I'm thinking the lion must have been frenced hunt since he said it was in south africa .
  18. I heard on news today they made having all firearms illegal on state parks and state land , and there Not doing any more Civil War Reenactments now because of this new law . But also does this mean you cant hunt on any public land now with a firearm with out Technically being in violation of this new law?
  19. Shows bad character you take out a loan and then you don't want to pay it back . Nobody forced them to take that loan . Can you get your money back from a bad stock pick maybe to ?
  20. I think bait should not be legal on private land But i think dec should themselfs put bait out before the season on public land but not hunters just to give the guys who cant afford there own land a better chance of getting something . For what ever reason you will notice if you hunt on state land the deer instead of staying on state land will be next to the house across the road from public land eating the garden up. I guess they like the plants near peoples houses better then whats in the woods . .
  21. I would not be surprised if they push some law over this up there . They will Probably try and ban the type of knife that guy used and called it a asult weapon knife ban or something like that, Watch .
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