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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dom

  1. He only picked up where the others stopped.It is one job title that i dont want.And he did show some if you work at something you want to do youto could do it.
  2. I have been composting for about 10 years now and was wondering if i should start anew pile or just keep adding to it.We use only a small amount of the soil from the pile twice a year for our flower boxes/pots.
  3. This is all good info.So my next ? is when the time comes is anyone intersted in teaching/showing me the correct way of useing.
  4. I wish my wife would see it my way and switch but wont.Cable is just a big scam and not worth a damn,the cost is way to much for so little.
  5. Delsym seems to work the best for myself.Avalabe in both day nd nightime.
  6. Knowing now that the other tag already had someone elses name on it,no way would i take that offer.When first reading i thaught there was an extra tagg that could be purchased for his own.then if i had or could purchase extra than i would take another Buck.
  7. Dom

    Hunting frog's

    Turtle soup is great when done rite.
  8. I think with just starting out i should get the pre made pellet's.When sighting in should i start at 50yrds like with shotgun.Also im not sure but a 300+grain bullet sounds like your going after something larger than whitetail,this is all new to me so info is good.
  9. How many of you hunt them i have and is alot of fun.And yes i do eat them they do not taste like chicken like some say.
  10. Will be getting modern not sure what brand yet.The TC is whatmy eye is on.If they need to be cleaned after every shot than sighting in must be a pain.What is the most common amount of powder used and bullet weight.Will only be using fr deer 150yrds max distance.
  11. It look's like a husky/shepard mix to me.I could not shoot one that looks like that.Guess im soft hearted.
  12. Depending on water temp they start comming up mid to late april and continue through late may.Mne was caught on medium action ugly stick w/12lb test was useing shad that i had gotten from river.Yes they have been caught in troy.
  13. If you had read more of the post's you would have seen Deerthug was talking about hunting in the fall.You are correct about spring turkey hunting.
  14. All good yes good striper's and a whole lot of fun.Just love fishing,never know what you might catch.Caught a 40lbs this past season they will be back soon.
  15. That is a nice yote.It had been eating very well,nice coat on it.Most that ive seen look shaggy.Goodhunting!
  16. Welcome to a great site.Im glad to hear im not the nly one that enjoy's the Hudson there are alot of great times spent on the river.Growing up the river was y back yard and i loved and still love fishing it.
  17. Hi everyone I myself will be starting to muzzle load hunting,this comming season.I will be purchasing in june what should i be looking into.Will be my first time so my ?,s are.What cal. brand what bullet's and scope info would be helpful.When choosing bullets what are comparable to the size of 12gauge slug.How often to clean these.And allway's good hunting.
  18. I do wear so thats why im going to try.Got plenty time for ajustments.Im not much for change but these may help me improve my shooting.
  19. Think im going to give them a try.much better than peep site.
  20. Very cool wonder what the price tag on that is.
  21. The Talaban thats what it is used for.
  22. That sounds wonderful,mashed potatoe and gravy.Thanks for the recipe.
  23. I was thinking about getting a pair of binoculars with built in range finder.Has anyone or does anyone have a pair,and are they worth the $$.Would be one less thing to carry afeild.Could'nt beleive the price of these as much as three grand a pop that is crazy.
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