Never cared for hang on stands due to the short depth of the seat . In cold weather your back is next to the tree and it feels like your back is against an ice cycle .
Ground blinds are fine and are comfortable .. I wouldn't bow hunt in anything other than a Hub Blind vs Dog House type blind as they are roomy enough to be able to shoot a bow . Great for cold weather and rainy days !
I really prefer using Ladder stands . They are rather inexpensive and I can put one up without any help . The 2 man stand is great for a single Bow Hunter as it is quite roomy . Excellent visibility but you have to be careful how you set it up so you aren't "sky lined" . It needs to be in a tree with some cover and a big enough diameter tree that doesn't sway a lot on a windy day .
Speaking of Gun Shops , I sure do miss the AppleTown Gun Shop that used to be in Williamson . The owner died , the shop closed up and they got rid of everything . It was a nice shop .
I checked out the card readers on Amazon and EBAY and read a lot of reviews before deciding what to buy . Probably won't have it for a week or so . I am used to waiting !
I have an Otter Box protector on my Samsung S5 . I would have to remove the Otter Bod to get to the micro SD card . Much easier using an adaptor .I some times have 8 cameras out in various properties . I would have to have a bunch of the mini cards with the SD converters . Easier to use a cable .
Larry 302 ---- It was hot and muggy . The skeeters were out by the swamp but I sprayed down pretty good . I was antsy to check the cameras even though they hadn't been out a week yet .
I ordered this from Amazon for my Samsung S5 phone .........
I can view some SD cards on my Canon Camera but often it shows "no image" but when I get home and use a card reader I have pics .
Sometimes I get the same thing from my Wildgame handheld card viewer . I will give the camera viewer a try .