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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Found this on another site ---------- You probably heard about the British Columbian woman in Canada who used Black Bears to guard her Marijuana Crop. Well here is one of the first photos of those Guard Bears. They do look dangerous!
  2. I have been reloading 270 for my oldest son . He had some of my other son's brass so I ended up Full Sizing all of it as it varied in neck size with the regular sizing die . He is shooting good groups with it . Matt buys the primer , powder and bullets and I do the work . That's what dad's are for .................
  3. The killer for me is to watch a show and see the kill and then have the guy explain what happened during the episode . Hellllllllllo ! I just watched the show . I know what happened ! ??? Oh yeah , you recovered the deer . Why are you still whispering ? :
  4. With a traditional rangefinder, true! ARC RFs take the line of sight (hypotenuse) and converts it into horizontal distance. I am well aware of the ARC RF capability . I mentioned the hypotenuse because many folks think that is the distance . I have a 400 yard Range Finder that I may take gun hunting but don't bother during archery season . I also have one of the older "Ranging TLR75" range finders . It works like some of the old parallex cameras . You look through it and see a double image . You move the dial until it focus' to a single image and then read the distance on the dial .
  5. They have a Dinosaur BBQ in Rochester . I have never been there but have heard nothing but good about it . I'll make it there someday .
  6. I'll have to check out my son's 270 brass to get a comparison . I would never have thought of that . Thanks .....
  7. I would like to see something more realistic . When the shooter gets a bad hit , admit it and show the results . I have seen some hits back on a deer and the guy is fist pumping like he had hit it in the boiler room . Give me a break . The most realistic hunter I have seen on TV is Tred Barta . He has shown bad shots over the top of an elks back plus other misses .
  8. Yeah , right . I bet the Ranch owner could probably call the deer out by name ......
  9. If you limit your shots to 35 yards or less and have a reasonably fast shooting bow , you don't need a range finder . Just remember , if you use one , the distance to range is the horizontal distance not the hypotenuse !
  10. Q: What types of attractants are legal for deer hunting? A: You may use cover scents and lures, such as doe urine, for deer hunting. However, it is illegal to place a salt block or mineral lick on lands inhabited by deer at any time of year. It is also illegal to feed deer. Some attractants that are marketed for deer are liquids or dissolving powders which deer may not directly consume, but the attractants may entice deer to feed on the material which absorbed the attractant. These types of produces would not be legal.
  11. I asked about the fact that it might be illegal . He said they used to have to post a notice in the store but no longer . I was under the impression that you had to remove any bait 30 days before season opened ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. Scent Blocker works and here is the proof ...............
  13. One of the guys at Gander Mt said he keeps his Trail Cams set on video . HE takes a bag of C'mere Deer Shake & Take , slits a small "V" in the bottom , shakes a little on the ground and then hangs the bag in the tree by rope . He said that the dampness would kinda clot the opening but when the deer come in and eat what is on the ground , they will get up and reach the bag knocking loose some of the attractant . He said he has gotten a lot of pics this way .
  14. 260 ammo wasn't listed in the flyer . I went to the store on Hylan drive in Henrietta and made my purchases . Gander Mt ahs a good variety of products but normally I find them to be pricey . When they have a sale , that's another story .
  15. What do you think are the warmest hunting boots ? My youngest son can't seem to keep his feet warm . He says the thinsilite grams doesn't seem to help and is looking for something warm with felt liners . When his feet get cold , he's done for !
  16. If you decide to Lime it to adjust the PH , we got a deal on lime from CountryMax because we bought 40 bags of granular lime . I am assuming you may need a lot . Bulk lime is even cheaper . We had to go up a real steep hill and there was no way to get any bulk delivered .
  17. I usually find Gander Mt kinda pricy compared to Dicks , etc but they are having a sale . I spent $45 plus tax on a few items . They have some Reminton Express Core-Lokt bullets in 30-06 , 270 , 243 , and 308 for $12.99 . Ya can't beat that price !
  18. This topic has been moved to Trail Camera Pictures. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=1121.0[/iurl]
  19. In my younger years , I bought log loads , cut the wood to length and then split it by hand . That's kinda rough on the wrists ! Then i started buying wood cut to length that I had to split .I found out that i could buy the wood split for $5 more a facecord and bought it split . I havn't bought wood or used the stove in 2 years .
  20. I had my last cigarette Dec 24 , 1979 at 8 am on my back deck . My Dad was a life long smoker and died of Lung Cancer at the age of 66 on Nov 11 of that year . It took my father dying to make me quit .
  21. I GOOGLED Homemade Scent Killer and there were numerous posts with the recipe . They said to use the 3 percent hydrogen peroxide .
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