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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Welcome to Hunting NY and don't forget to do your homework ! ???
  2. I have a few of the Fresh Earth Scent cannisters . I use the plastic tubs to keep my gear in with a wafer in there . And , yes , they seem to regenerate themselves when confined to the cannister . I bought a few when Wally World had a season clearance .
  3. Looks like a lot of water on the property . Wow !
  4. And are you talking about breeding some of those freaks of nature that can hardly hold their heads up ???????
  5. If that's the case , I don't support High Fence Hunting . There is a lot of state land and there are farmers that would like to see the deer eradicated due to crop loss .
  6. Behind the fence ? Are you talking High Fence hunting ? http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/crazynew2.gif[/img]
  7. wztirem ---- Thanks for posting that link . It has a lot of good info ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/thumbup.gif[/img]
  8. I am retired . I have plenty of days to hunt ! I go to mass sunday mornings and watch football in the afternoon .
  9. I only know 2 deer hunters that would consume more than 2 deer a season . I get more than 2 permits and have done the Deer Donation a few times . I just hope that the venison is actually going to "the needy" !
  10. Welcome to Hunting NY ! ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/waving.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/waving.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/waving.gif[/img]
  11. Bubba ---- Do you float the deer out of the swamp ? ??? .. ???
  12. Thanks . I moved the topic down here to Hunting Gear ........
  13. What is some good rain gear for bow hunting ? Looking for something to keep me dry , is quiet and is NOT insulated .
  14. Both are fine . For a few years , I would quit hunting about an hour before quitting time . I didn't want to hit one in low light and have to track in the dark . But ...... that's when the deer start moving in one of the areas I hunt . Last year I got my bow kill late in the afternoon .
  15. Yupper . Two more weeks and I wn't be sitting at the computer !
  16. Taking less does would cause some areas to be overrun by deer . Your chiropractor friend should stick with what he knows best ! ...
  17. I have never delved into the making of knives but guys in the "Tool Room" where I worked made hunting knives out of files , etc .. They did more "Government Jobs" than actual work on tools and dies . Many of the handles were made out of layers of Phenolic .
  18. In 1966 , I went to Canasaragus (sp) with a fellow worker . We set up about 100 yards apart on State land . Around 7:30 am a pickup came down the dirt road and was dropping guys off about every 50 yards . Then these guys started walking past us banging pans and making a lot of racket . I was soooooo pissed but then it was funny . They looked like the guys from the movie , Deliverance . The movie was made years later but ........ it could have been any one of those locals .
  19. This is how it looks before the "clean-up" ............
  20. There would be an overpopulation of deer as well as more deer / vehicle accidents . More and more of the deer's domain is being lost to housing tracts . The suggestion / proprosal would get sha-zit canned !
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