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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Caught a little bit of sparing on the tail end of the video
  2. I just turned 69 and I need something with a back rest .........
  3. I had a spot once where I couldn't put up a stand and a ground blind would stick out so I snipped some limbs in the brush , took along one of those green plastic chairs , a large black umbrella and a 4' X 4' piece of burlap camo . Saw deer go by at a distance while bow hunting and didn't get a shot until gun season and took a doe with BP . Those plastic chairs are flimsy but the fold-up canvas ones are hard to shoot out of with a bow in a tent blind .
  4. You have to be careful bidding on EBAY . A friend goes on there and buys stuff (so do I) and gets caught up in the bidding . He sometimes bids more than what he could pay for locally . I told him to see what he could purchase it for plus tax . Then look at the shipping costs on EBAY and figure out what his top dollar would be and make his maximum bid and leave it alone . The idjit sees someone has out bid him and bids more . He thinks he won !
  5. Sounds like you got a winner Doc ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/beer.gif[/img]
  6. I have had fairly good luck while hunting midday . Sometimes hunters will quit at 10 am or so and when they leave , they may kick something out . Deer feed several times a day and there is midday movement . I remember reading an article in a Bowhunting Magazine called "Hunting The T's" ( ten , twelve , two & Three ) . I think it was about deer movement at those times of day . Opening day of bow season , I will stay out all day . I may change stands due to the wind , etc , but it's an all day hunt unless I cash in .
  7. Maybe you should read some of the articles ...................The NRA doesn't want Reid to lose for fear of Schumer getting power . The NRA changed it's mind for fear of losing members . The NRA certainly does us a lot of good but that doesn't make them perfect either . http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/2/nra-mans-up-to-harry-reid/ http://www.opposingviews.com/i/lesson-learned-nra-won-t-endorse-sen-harry-reid
  8. The NRA came out and said they are not supporting Harry Reid yet they gave him money and a praisworthy writeup in their magazine . The NRA has NOT come out in support of the Republican candidate who has claimed to be 100% for gun rights . http://www.ammoland.com/2010/09/03/does-money-and-praise-make-an-endorsement/
  9. That deer in the initial post is looking pretty nasty !
  10. This is what I get .......... Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
  11. I might give it a try this fall and also use a turkey call box .........
  12. I stopped by today and checked the card in the camera . The only pics were of me . I'll check it out in another week but at least I know the camera is working .
  13. Could you imagine what one of those shows would be like if it was done by John Madden . He'd be drawing all kinds of crap at to where the hunter was and should have been plus where he should have hit the animal . Madden would sure as heck make it interesting ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/beer.gif[/img]
  14. So , when do we start sueing the car manufacturers because we aren't getting the milage posted on the sticker ?
  15. Does anyone subscribe to this magazine ? Is it any good ? What about New York Fish & Game magazine ?
  16. Nice pics ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/beer.gif[/img]
  17. I wasn't smart enough to do that . The skeeters were chewing me up and I was hurrying . I should recheck the directions to make sure I have it set right . It seems like the more expensive a camera is the more you have to do with it . I didn't want to wait 5 minutes for it to start up . Like mama says ," stupid is as stupid does" !
  18. I have my Moultrie IR-40 set up on some property in Walworth . I have checked it out twice the past 2 weeks and no pics taken . I ran it through the diagnostic check and everything was okay . RGE came through on their adjacent property about 3 months ago and cut down a lot of brush and just left it there so I am wondering if that's what screwed things up . Anyway , I repositioned the camera and put out some scent to see if anything shows up . I will probably pass on hunting this property this fall . :'( ... :'( ... :'(
  19. On the D&DH show they will sometimes have Neil Dougherty on explaining how to put food plots in properly and i always enjoy Charles Alsheimer ....
  20. Has anyone set out turkey decoys during deer season ? I have tried my luck at spring turkey hunting and have had deer approach the decoys . I have been tempted to set the turkey decoys out during bow season but never have yet .
  21. I havn't been shooting this week . The 90 degree heat was killing me !
  22. Let's see a show with one of these Famous Hunter's shooting a doe instead of passing up the 2 1/2 year old 10 pointers for "the big one" !
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