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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I put a call into Art Kirsch at the Region 8 office in East Avon and left a message with his assistant to see if they were going to do a survey this season . Can you believe some years they havn't been able to get 75 - 100 participants to do the survey ! ??? It's a simple thing to do . The hardest part is trying to talk to someone other than a receptionist ! > Art Kirch ---------- 585-226-2466
  2. Do you have any friends / relatives that hunt deer ? See if one of them would take you with them for a learning experience . Even if your friend gets a deer , see if he will let you field dress it and explain each step to you as it is done .
  3. Having an opinion is one thing . Coming on a site and calling people IGNORANT with 2 posts is something else . I set my own standard as to not shoot spikes and 4 points but I am not going to belittle the person who does . With no AR , that's perfectly legal . It doesn't help QDM but ....... it's legal . "YOU CAN"T EAT HORNS" .......... :
  4. Amazon .com ------ not sure about shipping charges http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Ever+Calm+Deer+Herd+in+a+Stick+Cover+Scent+2.5+oz+2010&x=15&y=18
  5. I had done the Bowhunter sightings Log for several years and then they quit doing it . They said they stopped due to lack of participation . I got the survey last year in the mail and completed it . None this year . I think the guys at the DEC are Dumb asses ! I tried to do an e-mail but it required me to add a new e-mail host which I won't do . I now use Windows Live . I had this sent to me ..........
  6. It will be on Versus Channel Friday at 10 am .........
  7. Wow ! Coming on a little strong for a newbie .......... ??? ... ???
  8. Those Multi-flora roses have some real nasy thorns . I got tore up bad a couple weeks ago checking a neighbor's property . He used to have some moto-cross trails but let them grow over . It would take something big to cut that crap down now !
  9. I have never seen or heard of it before . Sounds a bit pricey !
  10. I think it will be shown again at 10 am on October 1st (this Friday)
  11. I never leave any seat pads with the stands (except for one stand) . A couple times I have forgotten to take a pad along and that spoils a hunt . I always hated the old chain-on stands with the "canvas" seats as they would rot away .
  12. You have to be careful woth any trimming . What you see in August / September as blocking a shot might be bare in mid October when a lot of the leaves have fallen . If you trim too much , you lose cover .
  13. Enjoyed the video . Nice job ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/beer.gif[/img]
  14. Sorry about this post . I meant to post it in a different thread . I don't need Spell Checker ..... I need Thread Checker ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/angry_table_puter.gif[/img]
  15. Geeze, even steve863 got past the Ted bashing and talked about the message in this one. Is he starting to Mellow ?
  16. What about an old Jeep or truck with a plow that might be servicable to use just for plowing . Something that would stay on the property and just be used for snow plowing .
  17. I leave them up and periodically change the rachet straps . Several of mine have been up for 8 - 10 years . I have a couple of old chain-ons that the tree is growing around . I cable lock all of them and have been lucky so far .
  18. Do you leave them up or take them down at the end od deer season ?
  19. Find a plow guy that has good references . Some of thes guys tear uo a drive . A friend in Macedon has had a plow guy do his drive for 2 years and is considering buying an ATV with a plow . He has a gravel drive and it gets shoved way out into the yard .
  20. I have used mock scrapes for trail cams without the branch . Deer will stop , sniff and move along .
  21. Good advice . It really works .
  22. All you need is a few lanes . You can just trim the tops rather than cut the whole tree down . I had cut some shooting lanes on my mother's property in Groveland and someone must have used the stand because small trees that I lad left standing for cover had been cut down . All that work for nothing !
  23. I don't see how people can afford the cost of cigarettes ! And to think the government used to subsidize the tobacco farmers .
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