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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Dayum ! I really screwed up . The place I was talking about is Shooter's Supply in Bloomfield . I was way off base with Bullseye ! First time I have been wrong this year ! : .. : ... :
  2. If that's the case , I owe a big apology . The place I thought was BullsEye Archery is the store on the southeast corner of Rt 444 and Main St (rt 30) in Bloomfield . If that isn't the place then I owe Bullseye an apology for dissing them . The place I was talking about has a long porch on the west side where you park and the bow shop is in the north end of the building ........
  3. I was checking my SD cards from the trail cams with my Pentax camera but it has a small screen . This thing makes the pics quite visible !
  4. The last time I was in there , they had some BP supplies / accessories . That was several years ago and I don't slow down when I go by the store .
  5. Traditions Archery on East Henrietta Rd is an Elite Dealer . He has a pretty nice shop . The guy that runs the shop came from around the syracuse area
  6. I have only been in Bullseye Archery a couple times and mad purchases . I thought they were pricy and the guy in the Archery / Gun area had an attitude . Maybe I wasn't spending enough money there . Anyway , I don't stop there anymore when I am in the area . I wonder if Bullseye dropped Elite or if it is the other way around . Maybe they are a good shop if you go there enough . They turned me off .
  7. Yes , they sell the apples . A farmer sub-contracts the crop from them and has them picked . There are so many Fruit farms around that the deer don't devastate the crop but they are there . Even though they are anti-hunters , they are still close friends . Folks don't have to agree with everything I believe in to be friends ! :
  8. I started deer hunting in 1965 . Since then , I have only met one DEC Officer while hunting and that was about 1966 . Joisey must have a lot more officers than we have . The only time I see any DEC guy now is when we have the Sportsmen's Dinners in the spring .
  9. I used to sight mine in every year a month or so before gun season opened . Nothing changed . Then every two years . No change . Then every 5 years . No change . I have a 12 ga Winchester with a Weaver Qwik-Point sight from 1965 . I have shot a bunch of deer with it over the years but now about the only time I take it is opening day of gun season . Other than that , I take the muzzle loader because it's more fun to shoot . I havn't adjusted the sight on the shotgun in about 43 years .
  10. Well , I guess i'm not going to drive down to New Jersey to hunt ! ???
  11. Nice bear pic , Burt . I don't think i'd want to be walking around the camp unless I was packin' !
  12. I have Blaze Orange Tabs on my hunting blinds and I also hang BO marking tape on my blinds so it can be seen bu hunters , etc ...... It's not mandatory but I do it anyway .
  13. You can tell this bear is a Democrat because he is sitting and waiting for a handout .........
  14. I have friends that have a very large apple orchard on Stoney Lonesome Road in Williamson . They won't let anyone hunt the property and there are treestands just off the property lines . I tried to tell the wife that they aren't protecting the deer as they are being shot when they cross the line . One neighbor asked my friend if he could go back with his ATV to pick up his deer as it was easier to go through the orchard than the woods . The husband told me I could put up trail cam's to take pics of the deer . I told him , "why would I want to tease myself and take pics of deer I can't shoot ? Imagine a big 10 pointer on the trailcam ! "
  15. I gave the guy that did my string , the measurements from the book . He called the technician at Ben Pearson to make sure . These string makers don't want to screw up ..........
  16. And the obvious question would be ...... why not? Well Doc , you didn't let me down ! : When I typed in my post , I knew you'd have something to say ! ??? I wear a helmet when I go biking or ride the ATV -- I don't need someone to tell me I have to ..... I wear a harness or I don't go in a stand , I don't need someone to tell me I have to ..... I wear a seatbelt when driving , sitting in the passenger seat or back seat ...I don't need someone to tell me I have to ..... I don't talk on a phone when I am driving , I don't need someone to tell me I have to ..... I wear Blaze Orange when I hunt , I don't need someone to tell me I have to ..... Making a law to make the wearing of Blaze Orange Mandatory is just another law that won't be enforced ! ( just like drivers talking on cell phones not being pulled over and ticketed ) .
  17. I wear Blaze Orange but don't feel that is should be mandatory ...........
  18. The guy at the shop put the box in my truck . I thought it felt light when I got home . I didn't say anything to the guy and never went back . I told the guy that mentioned the place and had worked part time for the butcher about the ripoff and he said he had gotten a bad deal also . So I asked the dumb ass why he sent me there and all I got was a blank stare . The guy puts up a sign and butchers deer in his garage during the season .
  19. I got 33# from this doe . The box it was in is included in the weight . The doe was much bigger than a buck I had shot during bow season . I got 53# of venison off him without the box . All processors aren't honest . I used to take my deer to a processor on Tuckahoe Rd in Williamson and always got a fair deal . He discontinued processing due to health problems .
  20. I enjoy a few of the shows but find it irritating to have one of the participants "re-cap" the hunt / shot after I have seen everything . If they need to fill in another 5 minutes , do it with something else !
  21. It's unconscionable what those "brutes" do to our natural resources ! http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/help.gif[/img]
  22. Wow ! The amount of buck kills in the Southern Zone was 5 1/4 times the amount in the Northern zone .......... The Southern looks to be maybe 2 1/2 times the size of the Northern zone and I would imagine there are more food sources in the Southern zone . Just a guess .........
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