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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I could see where "adding" a section to make it taller might possibly be a problem .
  2. Went out yesterday at zero dark thirty with my oldest son and grandson . I was in a double stand at the Northwest part of the woods by 6:15 . Sat back and relaxed . It was overcast most of the morning . Wasn't seeing anything . It was real quiet . Matt said he was getting down at 11 and would walk back on the opposite side of the woods to see if he could kick anything my way . A few minutes later I saw two bucks and a doe in the woods between our stands and North of us . I was waiting for one of them to get in an open spot when all of a sudden they took off . Apparently they spotted or heard Matt getting up in a stand on the horse trail . They hauled butt through the middle of the woods and disappeared into the thickets . So , I failed to get a shot during gun season . Bummer !
  3. We have done this on a couple stands . No problem .
  4. I liked one of the responses that , in effect , with the price of ammo / reloading , I won't fire any warning shots .
  5. This guy only shows up when it's dark .
  6. I went to Geneseo to give it another try . I sat in what my son calls the tunnel stand . There is an 8 foot wide cut we made through the middle of the thickets that looks like a tunnel . It's about 150 yards long . I was in the stand by 12:30 . My oldest son got out of work early and arrived around 2 pm and sat in a stand about 1/2 mile away . I had the wind in my face and the sun in my eyes for a while and didn't see anything . Around 4:15 Matt walked down through the field and into the west side of the woods . He kicked a small doe my way but she was to quick and ran through some thick crap . On our way up the Laneway in the dark , we had a couple fawns running ahead of us . My youngest son said he would go with me Saturday if I wanted to go out . It looks like rain a good part of the day so I think I will pass unless the weather has a big change .
  7. I know it has been posted on here before . There was a thread about being able to use an anterless tag for a buck in a late season hunt . I looked through the regulations Booklet and didn't see it if it's there . Does anyone recall this and know where in the Regs Booklet that it is printed ? Thanks in advance .
  8. Happy Birthday to both of you . Have a great day .
  9. Two of my 3 sons hunt . Out of 8 grandsons , only 1 hunts .
  10. There are 3 and sometimes 4 of us hunting my SIL's property . One neighbor hunting his property East of us and 1 or two sometimes hunt on the property West of us . As far as I know , no one is hunting the woods North of us . Not hearing a lot of shooting but my sons and grandson have taken several deer off of my SIL's property this season and previous years .
  11. I have the camo Jet Sled . My oldest son has a black Jet Sled . I also have two of the Orange or Yellow Toboggan sleds in my SIL's woods plus 2 new ones in the rafters in my garage . I had put the two new Toboggan sleds on Craigs List for $30 each and didn't get any takers . They go for almost $50 elsewhere .
  12. On many scopes there is a dial at the back of the scope to change the Eye Relief . Some of mine do have that .
  13. Went hunting with my oldest son and Grandson in Geneseo Friday . Sat for 5 hours and saw nothing . Had the wind blowing in my face . Around 4:20 , Matt shot a nice big doe . Blake saw a couple of fawns and never shot . That's it for me until this coming Thursday . I gave Matt one of my anterless permits since I haven't used one . Gotta git'r done ........
  14. We use to get power outages at least 3 times a rear . Glad I bought a whole house generator .
  15. I had just got out of the Marine Corps a couple months earlier and started working at Xerox in Webster . They announced the shooting over the speakers . The whole plant went silent .
  16. It looks like a Deer Mouse . Notice the spike near the trap .......
  17. Sat out from noon until 5pm overlooking a gulley lot . Didn't see a thing . My oldest son shot a fat doe from my tower bling at the pond . It was cccccold !
  18. My oldest son and I plan to do an afternoon hunt in Geneseo today . It's a bit nippy out but you can't shoot them from the computer in the house .
  19. They have that Knife , blades and pouch at Sportsmans Warehouse for $39.95 . https://www.sportsmans.com/camping-gear-supplies/knives-tools/knives/outdoor-edge-razorpro-l-35-inch-folding-knife/p/1369427
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