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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Sat in my blind at my son's property from 3 - 6:30 . Didn't see a thing . On my way home on route 64 , I almost hit a doe that ran across the road in front of me . I never want to get a deer that wat .
  2. My son is sick and can't go hunting . Covid test came up negative . I will hunt his property in Mendon / HF . Here is a picture of his back yard . I won't be hunting from that blind .
  3. Hunting on Public Land -- after the sun comes up
  4. I plan to do an afternoon hunt Saturday in Geneseo . I don't do an all day hunt as I don't feature getting up at 3am to do an all day . Buck or doe - no preference .
  5. My 1st deer ever with a bow was a 6 point buck . I got him with a neck hit . I was in a permanent tree stand about 16 feet high , 3 bucks were together and I aimed at the last one . They were on a trail about 8 feet from the stand I was in . I aimed for the vitals but stupid me still had my quiver on . There was a 2X4 rail on the stand . When I released , the arrows in the quiver ticked the 2X4 and I hit the buck in the neck and he dropped on the spot . I took the quiver off and put a 2nd arrow in his vitals . I would never have the confidence to actually take a neck shot .
  6. They say most accidents happen within 25 miles of home . That's why I drive 50 miles away to hunt .
  7. No . I don't use a treestand unless I have my safety harness on but I don't use a lifeline .
  8. Did an afternoon hunt in Geneseo from 3 - 7 pm . It was pretty quiet . Around 4:30 4 doe came from behind me in the gully lot . My scent had to be blowing their way but they didn't appear to be alarmed . They went back the way they had come from and a few minutes later returned . They then crossed over and went into the corn not to be seen again . Later they were in the corn behind my grandson and got spooked . The they had come by me is about 35 yards when they were in the corn . No shots .
  9. Congrats ! Looks like a load of meat on that monster .
  10. From what I can see , you have to upgrade to PRO .
  11. Went to Geneseo property with my son and grandson . I saw 2 big doe with the light from my ATV . i was in a stand in the woods by 6:15 . It was dark ! sat there until 11am and headed back to my car . We all sacked out for a while . I am no longer use to getting up at 3am to hunt . I had changed stands and sat overlooking a laneway , two corn fields and a gully lot . I had parked my ATV about 15 feet away from me at the laneway dead end . I saw a doe and 2 fawns behind me in the gully lot . They milled around and headed for the corn on my SILs property . Later I saw 3 fawns coming to the laneway one by one . two of them stopped and stared at my ATV . They came about 10 yards from my stand and never looked up . I was waiting for their mama but that didn't happen . Left when it got dark and headed for home 50 miles away .
  12. I will be heading to Geneseo in another hour . Right now I have a headache and a pain in my back . I hope the back pain isn't the kidney stone acting up . Two of my sons and a grandson will be hunting the property with me . I just hope the deer won't be hiding in the corn all day !
  13. I don't plan to go out until Saturday . I don't hunt unless I have someone with me . I didn't get to be 83 by being too stupid .
  14. Some WMA's are listed wrong in the Regs booklet . My youngest son lives in the 8N WMA . 8N isn't in the map . It's listed wrong as a 2nd 8M . There is no 8H . It is listed as a 2nd 8A . I wonder how many other WMA's are listed wrong .
  15. It has been very peaceful on this site since many disgruntled members left .
  16. I copied my tags onto Photo paper which is much thicker than regular paper . Using regular copy paper worked okay for Wolk but the test will be how well it works in rainy , snowy weather .
  17. I went on EBAY and purchased 60 clear plastic luggage tags for a total of $15.25 . They are better than using plastic baggies . I will be giving them to my sons , grandson , friends , etc . https://www.ebay.com/itm/186332376563?_skw=luggage+tags&itmmeta=01J8T9AFJC0WFNEDASCH2Z26XC&hash=item2b62466df3:g:WKAAAOSwvC1l6WeN&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkXvq3QezS43mxp8jAv61vbC94BLsN8x4cSZ0C7TFiCZj3WSG626kaHPhnxqcwcxxTOUKUXKZZ3iwp2z6Ap4lEikoZpltW5YBu42nQ7I%2FjEFI024CbpGA7zrKjKRYxgIpPo2q23yM6bjC8iCtYNXRkSHDqc2fTjESUenM26iMftJ9qb75CfE1NmrKnP3hy%2F0Rdb2F5KYU2LOOyMf3%2BiEoEPDaAWwecPvmjdEXGvcmWaTBnIpDsamgIt%2Bh5mhGIPN2TMCDF3EeYpbjEC0BYWiEOyNEiGRLEBe9weISZJtzsdmA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6b5qcnGZA
  18. Are they getting their winter coats early ?
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