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Everything posted by dave6x6

  1. Never mind jafo. Re-read your thread. Got it now..
  2. I'm not following you. which of the 50 statements in this thread were you referring too?
  3. No problem Steve7. I knew it was an oversight. And Joe, i knew you would catch that 4th circumference thing. You are good..
  4. Geez, i try to defend some of his points and then he signs off with an ignorant, jack-assss statement like that. He'd make a terrible lawyer.
  5. Boy I'm in this one kinda late but i have to say that i agree with some of what 308 has said but i just don't think he said it very well. Bow hunting is my passion but i agree that maybe in the past few years things have gotten a bit out of control with SOME types of bow hunters. I do come across alot of guys that are flinging arrows around like fools. Some even laugh about it the same way i guy jokes about emptying his 12 guage at a running deer from 125 yrds. Someone stated earlier that these types of hunters do it with both weapons. Well i personally think its about time us bow hunters started standing up to fellow bow hunters and say knock this crap off. We need to re-instate the ethical choices that most bow hunters carry into the wood already, and start demanding it of the ones who don't. I really hate to blame it on the media but i think the problem has gotten alot worse with these people thinking they are Micheal Wadell or something. They sit and watch the hunting shows for 11 months of the year and then when the first deer comes within 45 yrds they let it fly. If they hit it great. if not oh well. Now i do think this type of bow hunter is way in the minority and i believe 99% of the guys on this site are very careful hunters, so i'm not singleing anyone here out but i do think we bowhunters should continue to strive to set ourselves apart and hold ourselves up to higher standards than we have been. There is always room for improvement.
  6. Ive been fortunate enough to shoot 6 deer over 115" in the past 9 yrs. 4 with a bow and 2 with shotgun. I've never shot one under that mark. To be honest though, i have not put the tape to the last 2 that i've killed. That exact # use to be very important to me yrs ago but now it's all about mature deer for me. I still enjoy measuring other peoples deer though and if I happen to stumble on a giant, i'll probably measure him up as well.
  7. Congrats to all you successful guys. Keep puttin them on the ground..
  8. OK pullin' out the tug at the heart strings, feed the starving children pictures. LOL Thanks to everyone helping me look for Baileys new home. Two leads fell through today so we keep looking..
  9. Got a great outfitter west of Cody. Rugged Mt. Mulies, horseback, great accomidations and reasonably priced. Get in touch with me if you ever start to think about doing one.
  10. LMFAO, see what you started Steve..
  11. HAHA, Where do you think i got my obsession for big antlers. My wife always passes on the little ones til she sees a booner. I've always said "i'm nothing but a trophy husband to you honey". You and your wife/girlfriend are the ones happy with just baggin the little ones.LOL
  12. With all due respect, and my stupid mistaken guess doesn't leave me with much credibility but i think your quite a bit off with your circumferences. My little old ring finger has a 2 3/8 circ. Think that buck has a bit more than 1 inch.
  13. By the way Steve, welcome to the forum.. Thanks for jumpin' right in and spurring some conversation. (Need a dog by any chance?) LOL
  14. Yea, i have to take some greif on this one. After posting i realized i made a pretty foolish math error. Knew i shouldn't have waisted that money on college. Rather then re-posting my corrected guess, i'll just take the dumb ass comments on the chin. lol
  15. Yup, thats pretty much it. Some guys down south refer to whitetails that way but it's really a western thing. Here's a pic of my Wyoming Muley. He's a 5x5 with junk. Brows and a kicker make him 13. The guys out west almost peed themselves when they saw the brow on him. I told them the brows look like a 2.5 yr old whitetail where i'm from.
  16. well i hope you dont suck because that was going to be my guess.. So i'm going to do the Price Is Right dickhead move and guess one inch over. 65 inches BOB.
  17. This is NOT a hunting dog. I am not a duck guy and Bailey wouldn't know a duck from a buzzard. This is a stay by mommies side, take me out and play ball, walk in the woods, snuggle up as close as i can on the couch and keep you warm dog. We're looking for a patient, dog saavy, calm hosehold that can take on a 11 month old pup. All of her training has been your basic obedience stuff. This is a picture of how i spend my nights.. She is a real snuggle pup..
  18. LOL, Thanks for lightening the mood a bit. My wife hates when i mention the NSDT thing because we really are just guessing. Don't want to mis-lead any of you die hard duck guys out there...Bailey has probably got a family tree that looks like a bramble bush.. For anyone that has asked or doesn't know, i am located on the east side of Monroe County but would seriously bring the dog anywhere that a potential New owner is located. We currently have feelers out as far away as Wisconsin and California. We met with a nationally known trainer on Sunday and have her working with all her contacts. My wife is very plugged in to the dog community through here dog writting and volenteer work, so every option will be looked into. Even with all this, i am greatful for ya'll doing what you can on your end. Every bit helps.
  19. Ya, No she was dropped off at the pound at six weeks by some irresponsible owner who said it was a pit.. We brought it home to keep it from being put down.(policy of Rochester). As she has grown because of here size, markings and other physical characteristics, some have said she must have some Duck Troller in her. The resemblence and demeaner bears the theory out but only god knows. Four Seasons. Thanks for encouragement and have no fear, This dog will live a long and happy life with someone. Bailey is not going down period. Not on my watch!!
  20. WDSWDR, thanks for responding. She is 11months old. We rescued her from the shelter at six weeks because the previous owner said she was a pit and they put down all pits at this shelter. Well she may have a little pit in her but only in her little block head. We have been told by many dog people that she has to have some retriever in her and some swear she is a Nova Scotian Duck Troller. Sptting image if you look them up. We honestly are just guessing though. We are located in east rochester and would be glad to travel to anyone who is interested. By the way, we are not selling the dog. We will gladly give Bailey to a caring home that will provide her with the love she needs.
  21. Thanks for everyone who has checked out this post. I have been on vaca. for 9 days and have not been able to hunt because of the work were trying to do to find Bailey a new home. Not complaining about the hunting thing, i just mention it because for those of you that know me, it shows how desperate i am to find a good home for my Puppy. Work starts up again tom. which means i guess she'll be borded unless something comes through today. Thanks again and please let me know if you have any leads on potential owner. http://notesfromthefunnyfarm.wordpress.com is my wifes blog for more info on Bailey and her needs.
  22. Yep, that would be my guess also. Maybe you'll get lucky and when she really starts stinkin up the place, she'll drag in a couple more older bucks that know she's not ready yet. Try to keep her from catching on to you and hang on just a little longer. things may get even better. Or if the 4 is fine with you then let him have it.
  23. LOL, The pockets thing alway drove me nuts also and thats why i always was pisssssed wearing the harness. once i started wearing it under, i couldn't believe how much easier it made things. Then when it came time to buy a quality, true life saving harness,that was my reason for not choosing the vest type. Nothing against them, my brothers wear them and love them as well.
  24. Up through the beck of my neck. I personally wear it just under my outerwear so i almost always have a mock neck baselayer or zip up midlayer between the strap and my skin so i litterally never know its there. Even without that, it really is a non issue. I also use the Summit camo rope with the prusaic knot rather than the buckle strap to the tree set-up. This allows me to adjust the prusaic up the rope so it is above my neck and not pulling down the back of your jacket as you sit there.
  25. For those of you who dont wear the harness because their a pain or uncomfortable or look stupid i would guess to venture that you have never tried wearing them under your outerwear. I use the HSS ultra lite that i bought for $119 and when i put it on i litterally forget that its even on my body. My buddy puts his Summit harness on directly over his base layers. I wish i had been doing it this way from the begining of harnesses because i used to absolutely hate them like you guys. I'm convinced if you try it this way you will never grumble about wearing the harness again. Sorry for the family who has to go on without their loved one. Must be hard to deal with knowing it could have been prevented..
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