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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. who said anything about an explosion? I have seen the growth charts fro memberships and it appears to be a constant uphill trend since the mid 1990's what do you have to back up a membership decline, beside the comments of forum members?
  2. Exactly Joe, Doesn't make either wrong or either bad for the most part. I get so sick of the "it has to be my way" opinions. If you see something that you would like to see done differently, then get involved no matter what the issue. Like the majority of the population there are many that would like to complain and few that will do something about it.
  3. Four Seasons. Two things. Taking quotes on the site as a stance of the organization is a bit of a stretch. The organizations stance on any type of AR's is very clear. The area and the hunting public would have to buy in before they would support any. Up until that point they favor education and a voluntary approach. Also there membership is increasing and at an all time high.
  4. where did that quote come from? I also would have to disagree with your first part. I think if the likelihood increase of encountering a more mature buck there would be a drop in the market for high dollar fenced hunts.
  5. the desert MK25 looks sweet when it has the digital desert camo grip on it.
  6. I haven't seen that in our branch or heard that promoted in anything I have heard. Food plots have a place, along with TSI and management of natural species. Passing on 1.5's is also promoted. Youth hunting activates, especially for kids that may not get a chance. If you look at their mission statement and the 4 cornerstones of the process I can't get to where you are. I won't sit here and say the desire to have larger bucks is not at the root of it for many, but I think it isn't fair to paint it all with that brush. I believe there is a distinct difference between TDM and QDM.
  7. The vented rib mounted rifle style true glo are a great option as well
  8. This gets a bit frustrating at times. Are you speaking of QDMA or QDM. The terms are not interchangeable.
  9. Monroe doesn't issue restricted permits that I now of. If you get one it is unrestricted. To keep this simple you get a permit or a permit with restrictions.
  10. Have to disagree with you on this. None of the ones from the organization I have heard speak are focused on the bucks. The ones I have heard speak are focused on the other factors with the more mature buck population being a benefit. Which QDMA people are you speaking of?
  11. Are these farmers in the co-op? I didn't thing DMAPS were given out without a demonstrated need. DMAPS are nuisance tags for in season. I also thought they were issues for a specific piece of property.
  12. gonna cost you more but I would look at smaller shops. I have had better luck there.
  13. Could be, but there is also a side effect possibility. Seeing more of the better bucks can start to alter their opinions and tendency to pull the trigger on the 1.5.
  14. Depends on the goals of the co-op. If they were looking to take 2-1/2 year olds and better it might be more doable with that layout and acreage.
  15. You are going to see a lot of infighting and arguing on this forum over many different topics. Much of that is just because , as a group, hunters are very passionate people. But when it all boils down there is one thing we all have in common, a love for this sport. I think you will find there are many that will stretch out their had to help you. That said. the best thing you can do to help your hunting career is to get as far away from that "City" as you can...lol
  16. I agree the threat of violence isn't required for the majority of people today, but there is a small minority that do require it. I can say this in confidence since there are still those that choose to ignore the threat of violence to act in an unlawful manner. I think it is a safe assumption that there are those on the fence between not being dissuaded by the threat and not needing the threat. These fence sitters are the ones that the laws are most likely to prevent from acting outside the laws it the violent threat was not there. The author made a good point about this when you see the increase in violent activity in mass destruction scenarios. Think what happened after Katrina. The author does use violence where most of us would use the term consequences, But I still can understand his logic. Actually our legal consequences are on an escalating scale. (he tried to explain this). at any step in an illegal activity there are actions by those hired by us to be violent for us. (police, military). at any point we can choose to stop our action and that would likely be because of the immanent threat that is there. As the illegal activity increase so does the likelihood of the use of the actual violence. If it increases further the violence actually increases. The person robs a store at gun point. As he leaves the police show up. does he quit and give up because he has an epiphany and is suddenly of the mindset to not break the law? Or is it because he is now facing a threat of violence greater than the one he possesses? If he stops and gives up the threat of violence is enough. if he does not the violence we have hired the police to threaten with is utilized to neutralize the violence of this robber. Interesting topic.
  17. It appears to be a bit out of context, almost as if there are previous articles from the author. I understand what he is saying and I do agree in general. I read the article a bit differently than you did. Let me edit your comment. It seems to imply that, it is historically proven that without the threat of violence, some humans are incapable of following any form of rules, laws, or moral code of conduct. Without ALL humans voluntarily following ALL rules, laws, or moral code of conduct, There will always be a need for a threat of violence, whether on an individual one on one confrontation or on a national level. (I would say this has also been historically proven).
  18. good site to identify state properties. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/45415.html Also check out this site. www.qdma.com There are two branches near you. I know the Hudson Valley one is fairly new and it is a great organization to get involved in. http://www.qdma.com/directory
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