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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Check on the details. I would be curious who is speaking. There are active branches in that area but I was just trying to clear it up because people quite often use QDM interchangeably with a Co-op effort. That Co-op my be practicing Quality Deer Management but might not be. They may also just be looking at a one aspect and NOT a full QDM plan. Also people use QDMA when talking about a quality deer management plan when it is actually a formal organization. That is one of the issues with QDMA's branding.
  2. LMAO. I wouldn't give them $50 for both of them.
  3. So she is dead set against the kids growing up and driving a car as well? They won't be playing sports either?
  4. dump her a$$ now before you have kids. Oooops. I see it is too late for that consideration.
  5. You are incorrect. Private party sales are not included in the requirements of the safe act.
  6. Is it people interested in setting up a hunting co-op or actually a meet of QDMA? where is the meeting?
  7. Very accurate action. Beautiful gun jjb
  8. Only difference and to me, and a BIG one, between the 335 and 400 is the rear independent suspension. But either a 400 or 500 with good tires, in a utility mode, 4x4l and rear independent suspension will do more that you will ever want. It would be underpowered for digging implements if you ever tried to use for plots but for hauling deer and you and chores any would be fine. I have the sportsman 500 and Dad has the Bombardier Traxter 500. (his is solid axle in the rear) both will pull a wagon load of wood up a good hill at camp with no issues and the wagon holds a face cord +.
  9. How many taps? My Grandfather did it right on his stove in the kitchen
  10. Thumb hole on a bolt it legal and not an assault weapon under the UNSAFE ACT
  11. I understand. All good questions. To use this as a litmus test for one candidate though it should be a test for both candidates. I can say this about Cuomo though. He has proven to dance around the topic, wishing to NOT make a decision or even address current studies. Which ever way it is determined to be best for the state, it deserves consideration and a decision
  12. What level of detail would you like to see from a candidate about this topic?
  13. I wouldn't. Just tipping you off to anther aspect that does affect you. You seem so adamant that this and the Safe act never will.
  14. He is too Liberal for my tastes, Heck just where he is from says all you need to know (just kidding guys) Well kidding on the where he is from part, he is too Liberal for my tastes. Lesser of tow evils, here we go again.
  15. Can you imagine how badly that would smell? I have been around barn fires where livestock was lost and that reeked.
  16. No me but With some of the current movement it feels like we are actually sliding in that direction.
  17. If you put all that stuff in the chest cavity, how do you save the ribs?
  18. We used one of those cheap plastic 55 gallon barrels cut in half under ours. The contractor grade bags that fit 55 gal barrels fit perfectly in there and we also put it right under our hanging area.
  19. Have you seen on the News about the surcharges that are being placed on bills in restaurants? Listed to cover ACA costs.
  20. After she said not to say that I would have given her the old "Don't ask a question you don't want to hear the answer too" A sporting/hunting goods store, WTF did she really think it would be used for....
  21. Take a look at the Sig two sum if you want a range/home defense gun and a CC gun. Wondering why the 380?
  22. So many as in ZERO! Lol should have used a sarcasm emoji
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