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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I really didn't have an strong opinion on the deer farming issue until seeng FSW posting in the topic over the past. He formed it for me
  2. If you weren't so decided on the semi aspect I would think the answer for a possible next purchase was actually in your post...lol. Did they even say they shot your gun? what conversations took place? I have shot BAR's in 308 and they preformed much better than that. what do you have for rings and mounts on that?
  3. I don't shoot that exact adjustable sight but the one I use has pre made tapes as well. They were close but not as close as I think they need to be. I just used a very good grade athletic/medical tape and a fine tip waterproof marker and did my own. Then I knew they were exact to my set up. They can't give you enough different tapes to adjust for every variable you could change in your set up.
  4. Se, you have to get more informed. Everyone knows that yetis and bigfoot go after beef jerky. I have seen it on TV..lol
  5. The problem isn't the truck load pics. Heck I have pics of my truck with 13 deer in it that 6 of us got on one morning. But my pics were 35mm and in OUR album to spark the memory. Today those pictures are plastered on the net. Our social media today brings new problems of pictures that we never had before.
  6. You keep up the stance that the organization is heading down. Besides the quotes of some disgruntled members on a forum, what do you have as proof? How do you explain the increase in, not only memberships but also new branches popping up? You talk about their paychecks as profit. Since you are running a business I would surely hope you know the difference between operating costs and profit. What you are saying about their paychecks would be equal to someone claiming that you fencing cost is profit. As you are so fond of saying, your comments on this are making you look foolish.
  7. Agreed. I see vast lots of public land near my camp that gets little to no pressure. I wish it did. It would make my property much more productive.
  8. I think based on the survey on the other thread shows many support deer farms but not so much for high fences hunts. So if you wanna grow cabbage or grow deer have at it. the disdain comes from the latter. We also don't have a right to take our cats and dogs into the front lawn and shoot them either. Some view it as the same. By the way. There is no constitutional right to that market the last I checked and don't go down the interstate commerce road
  9. Gun Owners of New York State There is some discussion and finger pointing going on regarding the New York State Rifle & Pistol Associations (NYSRPA) decision not to be directly involved in anymore large rally’s; and rather than you hearing by rumor our reasons I thought I’d address the situation directly. The NYSRPA Board of Directors has decided that our time, efforts and assets are better utilized in the following ways: • Funding the SAFE Act Law Suit to overturn this terrible law • Registering voters • Educating non voters on the importance of their vote and getting them to the polls • Participating in small localized forums around the state where the message can be better heard • Supporting our local groups to have their voices heard • Supporting local grass root boots on the ground efforts After much discussion this decision was reached for the following reasons: • Since the large rally of February 28, 2013 ensuing rallies have dwindled in size. Not because gun owners have lost interest but because we all work and it is expensive to take a day off, pay to come to Albany and still be ignored by the downstate liberal politicians. • The Legislators already know we are disturbed, don’t care and will not repeal the SAFE Act just because we fill West Park • We are preaching to the choir. We have seen the same groups and the same people at every rally • The rally on April 1, 2014 includes Frackers, Right to Lifers and Land Owner Rights Groups. All worthy issues but not 2nd Amendment issues! We are a single issue advocacy group and our message becomes compromised with these other groups included. • Our voices are becoming more contentious and threatening There have been many studies and surveys done regarding the population demographics of the people of this country and state our research tells us New York State is divided in this manner (Numbers rounded) I--------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------I-------------------------------------------I Rabidly Anti-Gun 22% Somewhere in between 46% Avidly Pro Gun 32% Fellow gun owners I submit this to you for your consideration. We will never convert the 22% rabid anti-gunners, we don’t have to convert the 32% avid pro gunners but we must convert a sizable portion of the 46% of those somewhere in between if we want to retain our 2nd Amendment Rights long term. These are the soccer moms, the guys who say I’ve never shot a gun but would like to try it and the people worried about their safety. How do we do that? Not by standing on stage screaming obscenities at Cuomo and certainly at large rallies where people stand on stage, pound their chest and tell the attendees to prepare for war. That frightens the very people we want to attract to our side, the people who will insure 2nd Amendment Rights for our grandchildren. Many people ask “Why don’t you cooperate or work with other groups”? We do work with other groups! Ask the Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, SAFE on Long Island, various County Conservation Federations throughout the state, NY2A and of course the NRA. However; we will not work with any group that we feel will be detrimental to our efforts to restore 2nd Amendment freedoms to New York State. We do not make threats, we do not tell people to prepare for war nor do we sell bumper stickers that proclaim “BALLOTS or BULLETS”. We don’t buy billboards we spend our money where it does the most good in the courts. Speaking of the courts here is the latest information on our SAFE Act lawsuit: This is a tentative schedule of the appeals process: Appellant briefs and their replies should be done by mid-August 2014. There may be a CAMP conference in this case as they are common in the 2nd Circuit and are aimed at pre-appeal resolution. Oral arguments in the 2nd Circuit are generally scheduled approximately three months after the briefing is completed. To date your NYSRPA has spent $426,000 on the SAFE Act Suit. As you know there have been many organizations advertising state wide and holding rallies, many of which we have taken part in and sponsored. At these rallies there have been many organizations holding raffles and collecting monies to help defray the legal costs of the SAFE Act suit. Of all those groups only to date only two have contributed any monies to the NYSRPA; these groups are NY2A and a small group run by a women named J.J. Smith.
  10. A little but not very much at all. The excerpts we directly from a letter he sent out to the membership and I believe was publicly distributed as well. I think I can pull it off his Facebook page if you want to see the entire thing
  11. Funniest part of this whole thing is that HE ACTUALLY WENT TO THE RALLY!!!
  12. What is the section of the law that restricts export?
  13. Told you. Now look forward to this fall and get to making and canning applesauce!!! Makes short order of a bushel of them
  14. Your definition of an Adult is just agreeing to disagree? Adults can't disagree or even get into a heated or passionate debate? Let me go out on a limb her and guess you are under 30
  15. I will have to look into that. I thought N only banned import. I thought export was still an option for now.
  16. I think the best bet is to just close the boarders to transport of live animals like Florida did. Just to be safe.
  17. Some of your people seem to think otherwise. They see a problem with your image to the hunters and the public and they admit that the transport of infected farm raised deer can transmit it to the wild herd, It' on the internet, so it must be true? From one of your forums "My concern with doing that is I believe it will only draw more attention to a negative, something we don't want to do. My reasoning is that there are so many unknowns regarding CWD that it seems to me that no matter who we get to state it one way, there will be experts to state it another way and even our own experts will have to agree to certain negatives associated with the disease, including the fact that the transportation of farm raised deer can pass CWD to wild deer. I don't think anyone disputes that. When people hear that, nothing else will matter. The hunting public is a huge voting block and they do not agree with what we do, regardless of CWD, they just don't like what we do. So, the battle would be against the current, one I think we will never win. The fight is on our legal right to free trade and interstate commerce."
  18. CWD produces higher deer numbers and bigger buck? That is the correlation you are making no me. you prove the correlation.
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