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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Better stick with deer farming and skip the critical analysis. Tying those two items together about says it all for any arguments you try to make.
  2. personally I wouldn't purchase anything until I saw how the DEC implements it. It is likely that the regulations on what crossbow is legal to hunt with will be the same as before but I wouldn't want to drop a bunch of money on one and find out it doesn't meet their requirements.
  3. You are absolutely right but I wouldn't run the risk of doing it, especially to a guy you don't know and are approached at a range. I think the provision was put in the law just for such a sting operation.
  4. Every organization will have disgruntled members and will drop their memberships, but since you are so fond of saying "facts are facts", the membership is at an all time high and growing. That is a fact.
  5. Didn't NY just rule that that was legal? LOL
  6. but if you post it 12 times it means there is 12 times the importance
  7. Nothing wrong with Boy Scouts. That may be the perfect in since there is a marksmanship and archery merit badge. After all she singed him up. Lol
  8. How about taking her to the range so she knows what it is all about? Is she worried he will talk about it?
  9. That is a tough line to walk though. License sales are not as easy to manage as doe permit numbers are.
  10. just wanted to give a bump to Bubba's link for those of us that couldn't attend but want to see what is going on.
  11. If you had a smooth cutting board it would probably work great. I still wouldn't do it because of the cleaning. I wouldn't put the rubber cup base in the dishwasher.
  12. It is a juicy operation. I did it on the kitchen counter with a towel around the base and it pick up all the juice. I did about 2 bushels of apples with it into sauce.
  13. I have moved to Vortex. Great glass and lifetime warranty at a very good price.
  14. I bought mine at Wegmans. in October. I have seen them at Bed Bath and Beyond. I bet on line would be a good bet for "off season" type of purchase. Works on pears too.
  15. They passed the budget last night, I was told. What is the next step in the process now?
  16. $30 bucks normally I. got mine on sale for a bit over $20
  17. Sweet idea. When I am making sauce I use this one. peels, cuts and cores http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug2I_pn2T54&feature=player_detailpage
  18. Don't buy a crossbow the first two years of this. There will be many for sale slightly used in a couple years. It isn't a magic "bullet" to make everything easier like many sell it. The benefits of the tool will not replace the skill needed for the hunt.
  19. As these guys have said, Gravity is your friend...lol a bit of additional cost is worth it to avoid pumping.
  20. Great point G-man. It is much easier to get new participants into hunting with a gun that a bow. If you are self starting without anyone to show you the learning curve is mush higher with a bow. bigger and longer learning curve equals more frustration.
  21. They won't because they not only have to do the paperwork but have to maintain and keep it for years. One dealer I spoke with about doing 4 transfers for me said they had to keep it for 35 years.
  22. I started shooting Archery as a kid and into my teens with a long bow but never hunted with one. I shot quite often. When I got into bow hunting there was no one that I hunted with that did it. The first bow I bought was a compound. (bear whitetail) I have been compounds ever since. For ML I borrowed an old percussion from a buddy for two seasons. shot deer both seasons but the first ML I bought was an inline. In both cases I guess I figured if I was buying I was looking for the newest technology. Gun hunting was a different process. At 16 I was given my Grandfathers old single shot full choked 36" barreled single shot. no vented rib and just a bead up front. Kicked like a mule. My Father told me that I could have a different gun until I scored with that one. Doe permits were not that common then and it was 2-3 people on a party permit. It was two years before I got that first deer. Then I was given a used Eastfield pump made by Smith and Wesson and sold through Montgomery Wards. Again. not rib and just a bead. That was my gun until I was 20 and could afford to buy my own. Then it was an 1100 with a scope. I have been scoped ever since on all my Deer guns. With the current shape of my eyes it is about impossible for me to focus on the back and front site and the target without one of them being very blurry. A peep would be about my only option for irons, but the scopes seem to be working just fine. (Note: I did use an 1148 16ga with a polychoke for two hunts. You couldn't hit the side of the barn with it if you were standing in the barn..lol)
  23. Background check is $10...LOL. the other administrative fees though will likely make it 35-45 per gun. That seems to be the going rate.
  24. Reinstate selling what? It is legal to sell 10 round mags even with the safe act.
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