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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooffer

  1. Lost my private land, hunting in a state park this year. Does the DEC have a rule as to how early (before sunrise) you can enter to get to your spot?
  2. Here is the latest regardinmg online ammo purchases from Lucky Gunner. http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f58d3c71ff52b50e1aa43dc1e&id=3f3a143b28&e=448f1ad856
  3. Why would you even give Early the time of day? He admitted he doesn't even support the NRA. Our national voice in the gun control fight. I doubt he even owns a firearm or much less hunts. I think his postings are more akin to a displaced PETA member just trying to waste our time. Don't let him mis-direct the topic with personal attacks. I won't even read his postings anymore.
  4. I'm thinking that NY might pull a NYC weapon ban like Dinkins did when he was Mayor. Register them 1st year and then revise the law to require their removal from the city limits after they are all registered.
  5. My state Senator is a Republican who states he is a 2nd Amendment supporter. He voted for the safe act. If I vote against him next election I'll get a Democrat who would state he is for the safe act. It is a lose lose in this state. I too will always support 2nd Amendment causes but will probably end up doing it from another state as well. There is no righting this ship.
  6. You can vote all you like but you won't change the degradation of NY politics. Remember who signed the first AR ban? Yes a republican.
  7. I had my local vet examine my dog after he hurt his knee. Has anyone ever had their dog's knee injured and can you recommend any specialist here on Long Island. I am not that pleased with my vet's recommendation.
  8. Here is what NY should look like in April http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/31/looks-like-weimar-germany-the-viral-photo-out-of-connecticut-thats-giving-some-gun-owners-chills/
  9. Where did you guys hear that ammo checks are being postponed? I have not read anything about that. In fact some online ammo dealers have said they are stopping NY ammo sales.
  10. This phrase is the most troubling? "New York has presented considerable evidence that its regulation of these weapons is substantially related to the achievement of an important governmental interest." What does "governmental interest" mean? I guess they couldn't say "public safety" since you have a better chance of dying by knife than an AR.
  11. This judge does a good job of double-speak. It is not the states authority to govern state to state commerce. That is the feds jurisdiction. He is basing his decision on case law and not the law itself.
  12. Of course buying ammo is still going to be very expensive and difficult. Online ammo sales look like they will stop in the next week or so. Here is a link to LG explaining their position. http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f58d3c71ff52b50e1aa43dc1e&id=ef2003cce1&e=448f1ad856
  13. I am looking for it now, I now it was in earlier drafts, maybe they took it out. I may have mis-spoke, Here is a link to the law. http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/555483/120412062-gun-bill-pdf.pdf
  14. Please don't forget to never raise your voice or show any aggression to anyone. It could be misconstrued as a violent nature and your weapons will be taken away. http://www.omh.ny.gov/omhweb/safe_act/nysafe.pdf This law is simply a weapons confiscation program one gun at a time.
  15. There is no provision to delay your ammo purchases. You can buy as much as you want (with the background check), just be assured that you can be charged with "stockpiling".
  16. Of course this guy accounts for 51 of those charges. http://www.newsday.com/long-island/nassau/cops-long-beach-man-had-arsenal-of-weapons-ammo-1.6333288
  17. But the AP says it's working. http://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/tougher-new-york-gun-law-results-in-1-146-felony-charges-1.6688698
  18. Just don't get caught crossing the NY state border with ammo or you can get charged with felony possession of ammo. Remember it may have already been in your trunk when you went to visit PA or NJ, but you are now "guilty until proven guilty" in the laws eyes. The rules have changed and no one seems to have noticed.
  19. The state would like more control, but there are legal stops to prevent this. Like Bubba said the ammo database will be a great help to them.
  20. NY sales are run through the federal database (NCIS). So they know what you purchased and when. The state doesn't know what long guns you own, unless the feds tell them.
  21. Just don't buy too much at once or you may violate the "hoarding" provision of the law. What quantity is considered "hoarding" you ask, good question.
  22. I guess A&E is very upset with him. Did you guys see this headline. A&E celebrates Christmas with ‘Duck Dynasty’ super marathon
  23. I agree, but I don't know if that is the case here. I haven't read his A&E contract but I am sure it has some wording that allows his dismissal if he threatens the shows ratings somehow. To date there is no evidence the ratings will drop, in fact it may turn out to be the opposite. Since people who never heard of these guys now know them well (like them or not). The bottom line is the fans of his show should decide if he stays on the air or not.
  24. Please understand the facts, he was asked a question by GC magazine (fully knowing his response) and they published it in hopes of furthering GLADD"S agenda and attacking a common Christian view. Of course it didn't go the way they expected and GLADD is now trying to punish him for his opinions. As the expression goes, "Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer". If you don't like what you are hearing, change the channel. Don't exert your will over others. One day it may be your opinion that someone doesn't like and they may go after you. This is not a matter or right and wrong, but simply of free speech. You can deny it all you want.
  25. The foundry is being closed. Don't worry about the lead shortage, you won't be needing it for bullets in a couple years, lead bullets will banned. Uncle Sam is already moving forward, that is why DHS bought 5 years worth of leaded ammo. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/12/21/end-line-for-lead-bullet-regulations-bans-force-switch-to-green-ammo/
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