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NYARCHER76 last won the day on November 6 2021

NYARCHER76 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 11/23/1976

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  • Hunting Gun
    Savage 308
  • Bow
    Bow tech Tribute
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Ok, thanks for the information. At least you had it for 2 seasons. I have my SPYPOINT and need a new one each year. Go figure
  2. I was hunting down in Alabama and they were using wise eye trail cameras. They give great photos and video but I never heard of them before. Has anyone ever seen these before ? They’re a little pricey but seem good.
  3. I was hunting down in Alabama and they were using wise eye trail cameras. They give great photos and video but I never heard of them before. Has anyone ever seen these before ? They’re a little pricey but seem good.
  4. I’m switching because I had a rage chisel tip brake off where it connects to the arrow. Also looked like it came apart, but I have the arrow with the shaft still in the insert. Now I want to change
  5. Has anyone used these broad heads or know of anyone using them. I was using the Rage, but I’m looking to switch up. I have seen a lot of good reviews and was looking for some feed back. Thanks
  6. Just have a question ?? I bought these new arrows this week and was wondering the difference between the 5MM and the 6MM. I know the joke will be 1MM, but other then that is there a difference ? Also, does anyone know the correct size for nocturnals ? The 1’s for the 5MM don’t fit and not sure of the new sizing . thanks
  7. Had a Good Afternoon today! Wish they were all like this ! 207lbs. Dressed and 17 1/2 spread I posted this before to the wrong forum.. Sorry
  8. Had a Good Afternoon in the stand !! Wish more days were like this ! 207 dressed and 17 1/2 spread
  9. The Acorns are Red on our farm. That's why I was asking ?? I know they like white better
  10. The Acorns are Red on our farm. That's why I was asking ?? I know they like white better
  11. What carrier will be holding this cam ? Please don't say AT&T... Company doesn't work in my area
  12. I have noticed that a lot of trees are loaded with Acorns this year. I know that they grow and drop every other year, but it just seems like a lot this year . Does anyone have any idea when they will start eating them or possibly hitting them as a main food source ?? Thanks
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