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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. First, are you left handed or right handed? 2nd, which eye is your dominant eye? I often shoot with both eyes open when using iron sights, because it allows me to "see through" the sights and see what would be hidden by them if I closed one eye. I always close one eye when using a scope though.
  2. Ritchie isn’t some crackpot science denier or conspiracy theorist working out of his mom’s basement; he’s a celebrated psychologist at King’s College London with lots of experience in debunking poorly-made research. People, especially in the West, place an extraordinarily high trust in scientists – reaching over 90 percent in some countries. In the U.K., for instance, the population seems to have grown more trusting of science and its results over time. The book, while scary and disheartening, is truth-seeking and ultimately optimistic. Ritchie doesn’t come to bury science; he comes to fix it. “The ideals of the scientific process aren’t the problem,” he writes on the last page, “the problem is the betrayal of those ideals by the way we do research in practice.” Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading | Intellectual Takeout
  3. Today is National Hunting and Fishing Day, but I wouldn't expect many to know that, since this year I haven't seen anything, anywhere, to advise anyone it is. Sad.
  4. "Ask this question of the Biden voters and see what kinds of answers you get."
  5. People in these crazy blue states will still be able to buy cars in "free" states though, so these crazy blue states are not going to achieve what they think they will.
  6. California will cease to allow the sale of gasoline-powered cars in the state by 2035. California’s regulatory overlords are so eager to engage in virtue signaling that they ignore the devastating environmental and human costs of electric cars. Newsom is merely outsourcing suffering. This me-first attitude blinds the regulators to the harm their policies create elsewhere in the world, a harm that also goes directly against their stated goals. Save the Environment: Drive a Gas-Powered Car | Intellectual Takeout
  7. That problem is easy to solve. Just make sure people are allowed to shoot back. Works every time.
  8. What political appointee, from any political party, doesn't parrot their benefactor's agenda?
  9. I'm worried about an attack on the National grid. If the entire electrical grid were taken down, be it with coordinated attacks or an EMP strike, this country would descend into lawlessness and anarchy within a couple of days. No electric, no refrigeration, no food, no heat, no gas since pumps need electric to fill your car, no alarm systems working, no internet, TV, or radio. Think about it. Even worse, I believe the biggest threat to our safety right now is the massive national debt that threatens to cause an economic collapse. If that happens the dollar will be worthless, nobody working for any government agency, from police and fire, to teachers and garbage men, will be getting paid. Nothing will be functioning. Will the electric still be there? Will water come out of your kitchen tap? Supermarkets would be empty. Lawlessness would increase rapidly. Anarchy could very easily begin, at which point the government would declare Martial Law and all Constitutional rights would be suspended, probably for a very long time. Property could be confiscated because the taxes to keep it couldn't be paid. Gun ownership would be a crime. The government would advise you to enter the nearest FEMA camp to survive. There you would be given a bed and food, but little else. Unless you strike out on your own and attempt to survive off the land, you will be 100% dependent on a government that has complete authority over you. Considering the government is planning on adding another 3.5 Trillion dollars to the national debt right now, and the Federal Reserve is talking about interest rates rising soon, it's easy to see how the government will soon not even be able to pay the interest on the debt and a default will trigger the economic collapse. Or they could massively raise the taxes you pay for everything, preventing a collapse for a while, until the economy completely fails and nobody can make a living anymore. Every other type of threat to your safety will become rampant if this scenario materializes. I seriously believe every other thing the government and the media talks about today is intentional distraction and misdirection, to keep people from realizing how bad the situation is and how close we are to seeing it. Americans are not paying attention to it at all. A few years ago I saw a truck with a bumper sticker that may be the most prophetic thing I have ever seen on a sticker. It said, "AMMO! The currency of the 21st Century."
  10. I can see the need to use a .22 center fire if the hunter has severe shoulder issues and cannot take any recoil. But the hunter still has to be aware of the limitations of a .22 center fire for deer hunting.
  11. In that video he talks about the need to punish and shun the unvaccinated until they "willingly" get the jab. LOL!! This is the mindset of totalitarians. They will force you to do oppressive things until you submit to their demands, then they will say you did it willingly.
  12. Justice Clarence Thomas on the division in America. Despite the strident voices dividing us today, Thomas observes “there are many more of us, I think, who feel America is not so broken, as it is adrift at sea.” “For whatever it is worth, the Declaration of Independence has weathered every storm for 245 years. It birthed a great nation. It abolished the sin of slavery. … While we have failed the ideals of the declaration time and again, I know of no time when the ideals have failed us.” The Declaration of Independence “establishes a moral ideal that we as citizens are duty-bound to uphold and sustain. We may fall short, but our imperfection does not relieve us of our obligation.” Thomas’ message about the declaration may be summarized: There are eternal truths; they are true for all of humanity; and it is the personal responsibility of each individual to live up to them. Thomas’ detractors are those who reject these premises. This defines the culture war that so deeply and dangerously divides America today. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/09/22/clarence-thomas-remarks-reveal-americas-true-culture-war/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CapitolBell&mkt_tok=ODI0LU1IVC0zMDQAAAF_rhXFqF59OecsPnlvd6Z2W_puF4Ezqamu0RONPcErPUnmPeLv3xMMlQ9GY6HfZafIBFGG2XBnzzYGioIliS2L82ahHWPjZUtwSFFPK5_sYF2Q5u4
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