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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Following in the footsteps of other totalitarian regimes, the newly-empowered Taliban has taken to disarming Afghan civilians as one of its first orders of business. The Afghan capital of Kabul fell to the Islamist militants on August 15. By August 16, the Taliban was already confiscating civilian firearms. A Reuters item from the 16th explained, Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, started collecting weapons from civilians on Monday because people no longer need them for personal protection, a Taliban official said. "We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians," the official told Reuters. The Taliban’s fear of an armed populace is understandable. Prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001, the extremist group ruled over the country with an iron fist. The population was routinely abused for failing to live up to the Taliban’s religious edicts with public punishments including, beheadings, stonings, and dismemberment. There are recent reports that the militants are already going door-to-door seeking out their political adversaries. Reuters reported that in the city of Jalalabad the Taliban opened fire on protesters attempting to replace the group’s flag with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan flag, killing three. Other reports described a scene where women and children were beaten bloody outside the Kabul airport. Like other despots, the Taliban understands that firearms are a means to political power. Thankfully, in the U.S., those means and power are held with the citizenry. All those who support a free society should work to ensure it remains there.
  2. Thank you for explaining that for me. If that was the point he was making, it's a self defeating one the proves they are not members of that political party to make the country better. They are members interested in preferential treatment rather than equality. America is supposed to be about equality in all things, from equal opportunity to equal justice. Any political party that promotes preferential treatment, or "protected classes", is promoting divisiveness that will tear the country apart.
  3. That "Tax" is to increase the cost of these firearms beyond the reach of most middle class people who would like to own them. It's a way to prevent the masses from exercising their rights. Good video from Dr. John Lott on gun controls failures. https://www.c-span.org/video/?513485-3/gun-control-myths&fbclid=IwAR0p3vJ4LPq5fXg069pAz4o4xrPA_bdU_l6UxyBonmJqF6oepHV1V9vBAsg
  4. A cognitively challenged Biden is pulled in every direction, by his own senility, by left-wing politicos collecting their debts, by his own spite, by his trademark narcissism, and by his neanderthal hatred of everything Trump was and did.
  5. I still don't see what you were trying to prove. The party with more minorities is a better party than one with less? I would think the platform the party pushes is more important than what the skin color of it's members are. Like MLK, I believe the character of the individual is what we should judge them on. Ask why one party has more minorities. Is it for good reason, or for bad ones. This is a very complicated subject that cannot be assumed to be relative to one issue. That's why I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.
  6. The majority of the Democrat party is white as well. BTW, I'm Independent. A Constitutional Conservative to be exact.
  7. I fail to see the point of your post. Care to explain what your are trying to prove here?
  8. If they are criminals, how are they not in prison and how do they get to vote? Or maybe they never committed a crime in the US?
  9. Things like this make me distrust the government. At some point between 1963 - when doctors removed it during his autopsy - and 1966, JFK's brain went missing. It has never been found. I'm sure it would prove JFK was shot from the front and Oswald didn't kill him.
  10. No, the Cuban dissidents are. The rejects were criminals and drug smugglers that gave the rest of them a bad name. Castro did indeed empty his jails and asylums when he allowed the dissidents to flee the country. The one's who came here to be free and assimilate into America, adopted our values and mores. They hate Communism, and that's why they will not vote for the Democrats.
  11. I laugh every time I hear someone say the GOP is all "white" people. The GOP is full of minorities of all races. They just happen to be conservatives that are thinking for themselves, have a high level of intelligence, analytical ability, values and morals. The left always claims to be against stereotyping, but they do it so often, it's hilarious.
  12. The Ruger 10/22 would be considered a machine gun under this bill. https://www.americanfirearmsassociation.org/action/hr4953-pet/
  13. They are laughing at all of us. They consider the US to be full of idiots for putting this man in office, as well as allowing the Democrats to steal an election to do it. Islamic jihadists love Democrats. They always win when Democrats are in office and they wind up with billions in cash too. Makes you wonder if Democrats aren't on their side.
  14. I guess you don't know how left Oregon is Mike. this was done to allow minorities to graduate, since most quit High School in Oregon by the 10th grade. I don't think they have any Republican voters in Oregon. They all got tired of supporting the Democrats on relief.
  15. When you need to show your papers to order a veal parm but not to vote, something is wrong
  16. Trump was a leader willing to fight for the common man and his individual rights. Biden is a career politician that serves himself at the expense of the common man.
  17. The Gov of Oregon just passed a law saying you don't even need to know how to read to graduate High School anymore.
  18. That's why they stopped teaching civics in the public indoctrination....uh, education system. Politicians don't want an informed, intelligent electorate. That is a threat to their "careers".
  19. Grouse

    I remember

    I can recall when more people hunted with station wagons than pick up trucks. Probably because you could fit up to 6 hunters in them and still have inside room for all of their gear. Then people started getting Jeep Wagoneers, because they were like having a 4WD station wagon.
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