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Media Demo




Everything posted by Grouse

  1. An illegal private server in her home, 30,000 e-mails wiped, subpoenaed phones smashed and lying before a Senate committee about Benghazi, doesn't worry you if the Atty General, DOJ and President are all behind you. It doesn't get any more corrupt than that. Oh wait, it does if you conspire to steal an election and get away with it.
  2. You can always count on the Clinton's to exhibit projection. Remember when thinking elections could be stolen was a "Big Lie"? The hypocrisy is so bad, it's criminal.
  3. Easy enough to do. Just go onto their websites and look into what they tell you they are going to do. GOP candidates tend to give specifics, as opposed to vague soundbites.
  4. Ten years ago under Obama, a group of American engineers working in a federal government lab in Washington state developed revolutionary and promising new technology known as a vanadium redox flow battery. The new tech promised to be the next big step in batteries. They were the size of a refrigerator, could store enough energy to power a house, and could be used for 30 years without losing their storage capacity. Rather than an American company getting the license from the U.S. government to use this new technology to manufacture batteries, however, it went to China. American taxpayers paid $15 million for the research, and U.S. government officials effectively gave it away to a Chinese-based company despite licensing rules that should have prevented this loss of American-developed technology. Obviously, China has taken the lead in manufacturing and further developing this breakthrough battery technology. Florida Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott sent letters to the U.S. Department of Energy seeking more information as to how this failure to protect vital American technology was allowed to occur and, worse, benefit our nation's biggest geopolitical foe.
  5. Perhaps it would be better to look at how much has changed for the worse since Democrats came to power and decide if you want more of it. There's plenty of factual evidence available to explain how all of this negative stuff happened, but you need to get away from the main stream media and find true independent sources to get it. And that's not easy with Google, Twitter, YouTube and all of the other Big Tech outfits owned and operated by leftists that are supporting the leftist agenda to bring America down. Remember when things sucked under Obama and he asked if Trump was going to fix it all "With a magic wand?" Well, he fixed it all. And what did he get for it? Attacks and criticism. A cadre of deep state actors spent four years demonstrably conspiring to bring down a president, in effect a political coup d'état orchestrated by his former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton. Fact is, liberal fascism within the socialist Democrat Party has been on the rise since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and the ChiCom Virus pandemic put that statist power, the ascent of the Demo authoritarians, into overdrive. The once-noble Democrat Party is no more, and that organization now constitutes the most perilous threat to American Liberty. Indeed, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are now the arch enemies of Liberty. Predictably, since the ugly J6 Capitol riot by a fringe element of Trump supporters, Nancy Pelosi and her Demo cadres have been tagging Republicans as fascists with impunity. Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison insists that the Republican Party has become "a party of fascism and fear." Obama-era National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes insists Trump's presidency was "an American experiment with fascism." Celebrities like Rob Reiner insist: "This midterm there is no gray area. You either cast a vote for democracy or fascism. That's it." Those are facts that pretty much prove Democrats see the opposition as the enemy. Joe Biden and his contemporary cadres of socialist "useful idiots" are endeavoring to undermine capitalism and free enterprise. Biden and his ilk are picking up where Obama's promise of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America" left off. Democrats seek a centrally planned economy and thus a society directed by a dominant-party state that controls economic production by way of taxation, regulation, income redistribution, and public opinion by way of its mainstream media propaganda machine. The success of Democratic Socialism depends upon undermining Liberty — the "unalienable Rights of Man" as "endowed by their Creator" — with the notion that all such rights are granted by the government. So what do these observations have to do with the current state of economic and political affairs in our great nation? Unfortunately, more than most Americans currently realize. The cost of energy, inflation, the National Debt and rising crime are all results of these policies. However discomforting this fact might be, there is abundant and irrefutable evidence that Biden and his congressional Democrats are endeavoring to consolidate their power so as to complete the transformation of America. If you think such assertions are just rhetorical hyperbole, think harder. Is the Biden/Harris/Schumer/Pelosi strategy to fiscally and morally bankrupt America so they can build it back as a socialist democracy? Rhetorical question. Hopefully, that strategy will hit a formidable congressional speed bump when the midterm elections are over. It's not so much can the people we vote for fix all of this, as it is can they stop it.
  6. It's not. It's his assessment of the facts. Feel free to refute whatever you can.
  7. Why would anyone draw from the strategic reserves? If we need oil, why not draw it from the ground where there is plenty.
  8. "The Democrats have settled on their closing argument: 'Vote for us so that we can castrate children, use your money to pay for abortions, and put pornography in the schools. If you don't vote for us then you are a Nazi and democracy will die.' Fascinating political strategy." —Matt Walsh (If we don't support them, we are enemies. Imagine that.)
  9. Let me repeat the start of this thread, so as to counteract the distraction and misdirection that has infected it. If you don't like this post, ignore it. A wise man speaks, because he has something to say. A fool speaks just to say something.
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