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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. I can't even imagine what that must be like. I'm only running 8lbs, but the thing hits 8lbs at like 2500 rpms. Its an open gate right now, which sucks, because its way to loud. I'd like to get a custom pipe made to wrap it back into the exhaust, but thats how that kit was. It put down 410 hp, 520 tq to rear wheels on stock fuel system (with helper pump, in tank pump) and stock block. I'd like to get boss / R block, then turn the boost up. My buddy is running the same turbo on his stock block and turned 10.20's at E-town last year. Next up for me, after the rear end (which I have sitting in my garage) is a methanol kit, then a fuel system. Its fun stuff, to fun! I need to do a new tune as well, running way to rich, also could use a rebuilt on the turbo kit ( think its leaking slightly oil, b/c its been sitting for so long)
  2. No, they are working fine. Checking into if I can disable that, its not an on /off option unfortunately.
  3. I loved the review Didn't comment tho. Wait, now I did. So did this this offer you any better speed? Accuracy? etc?
  4. Cool video, keep em coming. Can't wait to take some myself!
  5. I did not get to go, but will try to get out there for fall in between building my tree stands.
  6. My dad gave me a buzz today from the property. He said he was on the food plot and there was both a 5 ft black snake and a 4 foot copper head.. What about you guys? You come across snakes on your land??
  7. Welcome Geno, nice car too! Site has been up for about 2 months.
  8. No pics in the sigs, because it really slows down the loading of pages. Maybe if we can figure out how to limit the size of the sig then we can add the pic.
  9. Cell phone pic from today... [smg id=183]
  10. 1987 Mustang LX, running a little bit of boost Geno, thats a lot of power that thing is tossing down! Must be one hairy ride.
  11. I'm in Nassau so, pretty much the same boat! 2 Months is fast.
  12. SteveB, I guess you may be right, but even so, getting a few guys together and getting a piece of hunting land isn't that hard. I've seen some pretty affordable pieces of land while we did our search, split that across a few guys and you got yourself a nice place to hunt. Regardless, public hunting land is there, all over actually, you just can't be lazy in your search. Regardless, if you own the land, pay the taxes, you can do whatever you want. I know the neighbor next to me doesnt allow any hunting, and is dead set against it. Has over 100 acres too. And I have no problem with that, why? Its his property he can do whatever he wants to. So if people want to practice whatever they want on their on property why should anyone have a problem with that? They have every right to.
  13. I cracked up when I saw this http://www.kmeoutfitters.com/product_info.php?cPath=9&products_id=540
  14. I have to agree with Fairgame on this one. For the last 15 years I've hunting on property that was not mine. It was not "public" land it was family and friends land. I was told what I can and can't take as guest on that property, because they practiced their on QDM before the state imposed AR came into effect. And I obviously respected that, not only because I wanted to return to that property year after year but because I believed in what they were trying to accomplish. Anyways, after AR came into place, we noticed larger bucks roaming the 55 acres. Why? I'd have to attribute it to the WMU wide AR restrictions imposed. Doing any AR on your own land is great, but unless you have a crazy amount of land and or in an area where there is not much hunting around you I am not sure what effect it has. None the less we have been seeing bigger bucks on the property the last 3 years. Now I am fortunate enough (as of this year!) to own with my father and brother 100 acres where we can practice our own QDM, have food plots and also be in a AR restricted zone. Actually right next to fairgame From the trail cam pics I am seeing, I'm impressed! And I can't wait to get out there this season. To add to what he said, if I see anyone on MY property, first thing I am doing is collecting their LIC#. My family and I are putting a lot of $ into the property, from plots, to general woods maintenance, an of course taxes and I'll be damned if anyone else is going to be hunting it that is not invited. While the deer can roam, and are not the property owners, the land is. To sum this up, I am bringing 3+ Hunters on MY property that have never deer hunted before, and now will have the opportunity to do so. And providing they follow my rules, they will do so for many years to come. Chalk 3 more up to license fee's for me.
  15. 9 months would be illegal, 6 months max as per state law.
  16. I just applied for a PA carry license, just because, and its only 26 bux, plus it gives you reciprocal to a lot of states. Even if denied,its just 26 bux. Figured I'd want it in case I do any hunting over there and its only 1 mile from my property.
  17. Good idea, just need to figure out how to to that!
  18. cool video! good point doc, thats why camo orange prob would work well. Thats what I got last year camo orange bibs. Breaks it up a bit, yet still orange as and orange.
  19. Its kind of near the edge of the other field we just made, about 10 yards away. Part of it where its really green is where the spring passes through. But it does open up a bit on the other side of the spring.
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