I would have shot it too if it posed any kind of problem, especially where I or my family felt threatened. There could be a good chance that there was something not right with this bear if the normal means of getting them to scatter was not effective.
Wow crazy story. I hear more and more of them, so the population must be increasing. Did the guy go and check in the woods to see if the thing died? Caint see it taking a 300 and going very far.
That has to be a pretty nerve racking experience having a bear on your porch looking in your glass
Where do you guys get your soil tested?
I know someone recommended penn state, but I am not sure how slow / fast their service is. I wanted something kind of rapid. Suggestions?
Really? I did not know that deer were brought here from other states... I wish there was a NY Hunting / Deer book specifically covering NY or maybe NY,PA,NJ.
If you look @ some of the deer people take in PA, that's right next to us.