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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Oh, and for the record SteveB & Bubba, this IS our bathroom @ the hunting camp.
  2. Heh, I'm just joking. But, my traditional ways, is a compound. At 16 my first deer ever was taken with one, and I been using it for 16 years. So saying a compound is fancy a little ridiculous. Calling xbow fancy, now I'll agree with ya. Looking through a peep and looking through a scope are two different things. But whatever, I have not made my mind up yet if I am for or against it really.
  3. they look pretty sweet to me, thats why I am curious.
  4. Does your house have electric? Does your car use gas or still running on steam? Just curious
  5. Would these be considered "Barbed" http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0079984418923a&type=product&cmCat=froogle&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=froogle&cm_pla=1400205&cm_ite=0079984418923a&_requestid=111465
  6. Whats the deal with trapping anyways? Do you check the traps every morning? How do you kill the animal?
  7. Yup, PA is only about 2 miles down the road.
  8. that would freak me out @ night
  9. Its in Cochecton, its a family cabin / hunting cabin Foundation is down now, will post pics tonight.
  10. I don't even have a trigger lock.... I just store it unloaded in the trunk, bullets in sep location.
  11. I do the "todo" list, work on my mustang (wife doesn't like that because it involves $$$), play golf when I can, making a built in entertainment center - so I love building crap, do side projects for extra $$ to support my other projects, and of course photography - love it. Need to find time to get to gym, and get my fat ass into shape.
  12. We found a local place that will deliver and spread the lime, since it looks like we will need 1.5 tons /acre for a total of 3 tons. No way we could do that ourselves w/o equipment Good news is, the place is so close they will drive it over on their tractor and drop it on the plot! Its about a 3 miles away... I'm psyched!
  13. Mine rotate around, no glue...
  14. Buck, but crappy pic, tried to zoom in - how big is it?
  15. Its pretty big, must be yote after a rabbit dinner?
  16. What kind of crap is this? For real? It was right where we cleared out for the food plots....
  17. I guess I've been pretending to be a bow hunter for 15 years
  18. A few of those looked like monsters, are they back this year?
  19. This topic has been moved to Land For Sale and Lease. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=393.0[/iurl]
  20. Welcome Karpteach, glad you found the site ok.
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