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Everything posted by bubba

  1. Hey wny. I wonder if anyone but you and I get a regulation guide when we get our licenses lol
  2. so sad. I could help, but Doc cant afford me and I don't take charity cases. His typical thing is to attack and call names. So sad so sad. Doc I have kept you in the idiot list box for a while. Once in a while I let you out to see how idiotic you are being and then put you back. You are hitting some new highs. But you are back in the box now.
  3. which is doc's way of saying ok you figured me out, so I will retreat. I have seen it several times
  4. dont you just love how easy they make the regulations.
  5. bubba


    you guys might want to check the regulations to see what is legal.
  6. well I guess you will have to keep waiting. I do not apologize for how I see it. Happy hunting
  7. For the record, out of my curiosity, are you an active, practicing, nurse practitioner? It's an interesting coincidence because, I am. yes I am with a psych specialty. I am clinical director for a mobile mental health team. And You
  8. The reason it was put in bow season was to attract the hunters who do not bow hunt to take their kids out. We all know a person who bow hunts is not going to give up bow time to hunt with their kid that weekend. They will get the ones who will be waiting for gun season to start. If they waited until gun season, very few would go.
  9. because it treads on the precious elitist bow hunters
  10. hey as it says ABOUT everyone not everyone. It is your interpretation that is off I am guessing due to a guilty conscience. I thought you were done with me. If you go back and look at the bo threads, you will see that ABOUT everyone wants it to be mandatory. So please feel free to get the last word ok. I can not continue to play with you. it is getting boring. Besides as an instructor I better not say what I really think.
  11. I doubt that Actually as a nurse practitioner, I have others read and comprehend my orders. But I am sure all that is over your head. And I would also like to see where I lumped all hunters together. Bottom line is the hunt is on so make the best of it. And if you could comprehend, you would be able to understand I never said I do not wear orange I do not believe it should be mandatory. So Dr. Grow where would my affliction be? Please enlighten me.
  12. Oh grow on the offensive. I like that So I guess since I am a nurse, I did not know what affliction means? I do not see how that word is appropriate since there is no illness associated with bo, but ok keep trying to use those big words. And the old I will type slow and leave spaces is really kind of lame too. My simple point was almost everyone on here has been singing the praises of mandatory blaze orange for a while now. Then when there comes a situation where they can use it as an excuse to stop something they do not want, they complain about having to wear it. I am sure the point went right over your head, as most do. Now go think up another tale to woe us with. Now if I were you, I would refrain from getting into a battle of wits, because at best you are bringing a knife to a gun fight, but I am sure you are totally unarmed. Oh and just to be clear, I never brought up BO in this thread until others started whining about having tt wear it with all the kids shooting at them. SO NOW HAVE A NICE DAY.
  13. probably because they would need the license that runs out on 9/30. The new one starts 10/1. Most if just starting will not have a 2011-2012 license. Plus that is bow season in the north, and no one but bow hunters should be hunting at that time.
  14. I remember one year in late ml in December of 91 I believe it was, I shot a doe at 65 degrees. I was in a tshirt hunting. After I shot it I cleaned it. I do not remember it being any worse than on a cold day. Deer was skinned and iced a hour later and cut up that evening. I am still alive. Kind of some lame excuses to keep everyone out of the woods and the having to wear bo I find hilarious. And grow once again please find any post I have put out that says I am against BO please. You will find them that say I am against mandatory orange. I have said this at least 5 times and 3 to you that I know of. The funny part is some of those who argued for mandatory bo are crying now they will have to wear it during archery. I once again contend if it saves lives and deer do not see it, you should be wearing it anyway even if there in no youth season. That is what I find hypocritical and just another lame reason against the youth season. Oh and by the way I am aware I am an instructor, and I have an opinion which by the way mirrors the DEC stand.
  15. I am ready for 9/27. Four days to use my old tags. I will be out there next Thursday after work until dark. Friday off and hunting the weekend.
  16. look on the bright side. You do not have all those crazy cross bow guys shooting at you too.
  17. gotta say it again. You guys all preach the safety of blaze orange and how deer do not see it. So how does wearing it in bow season such a bad thing? Seems now you are going against everything you were preaching was so wonderful before, and now you feel like you are forced to wear it. I swore that was what just about everyone wanted in the past was mandatory blaze orange. What a bunch of hypocrites.
  18. I did progressive lenses a few years ago. I had a hard time shooting, playing golf and a few other things. I switched to unifocal contacts. One eye is set up for distance and one for close up. It is like my eyes were when I was 20 again. They were very easy to get used to and no more breaking my neck to read or watch tv. I would recommend them to anyone.
  19. and they can hunt all regular season too. Geesh you make it sound like they are all out to shoot anything that moves. Statistically the kids who just complete a hunter ed class are safer than the parents who will be accompanying them. It is all good. We will all survive to hunt another day.
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