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Everything posted by erussell

  1. Yeah its fake http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/animalsinsects/ss/Mountain-Lion-Vs-Elk-Hunter.htm
  2. Thats what I'm thinking, kind of hard to tell now aday's.
  3. No, No, No let them shoot the babies and leave me Big Daddy!! I concur that hunting isn't about filling the freezer. For the amount I spend on hunting I could have 2 freezer's full of food. Which unfortunately the old lady is more than happy to point out. I could see it being cost effective back 20 yrs ago when everything was cheaper but with the riseing costs of everything from bullets to gas I think it would be cheaper to go to the store and fill your freezer. With that said I have no problem with someone shooting a younger deer, I choose not to and it works for me.
  4. Talk about a oh Sh-- moment!! If its a real photo.
  5. Pretty good when you can use the drop tines as a kick stand to keep the head up. http://outdoorswithothmarvohringer.blogspot.com/2010/06/monster-buck-found-dead.html
  6. I hate rocks, My one plot is on a flat spot on a trail on the side of a hill. The rocks were terrible, But the plot came up great after a little work.
  7. Also a 4 1/2 yr old deer really fills the freezer nice.
  8. Hear you there. But I can't blame people who own land and post it up. They pay the taxes and they are entitled to do with it as they wish without anyone interfering. I know if I had a lot of land posted up I would want to know who is there and where they are at if I allowed them to hunt. Unfortunately now a days people will take advantage of you at the drop of a dollar. I had a friend who had some nice walnut trees on his land and came back from vacation to find them all cut down. The moron was someone who he had let hunt there and had let him know he was going on vacation and to keep an eye on the land while he was gone. Everyone saw him come to the land and cut the trees down and take them. The guy was jailed and my friend never got any compensation for the trees. So I would say posting your land is a must just to protect your investment. Unfortunately for them they can't stockpile big bucks. Big bucks are walkers and usually get shot on neighboring land sometimes a mile or more away. Thats why I like to find land that people post up and don't let anyone hunt. Just keep going down the row of peoples lands and ask till you get permission to hunt. Its especially lucrative if you have a large track of lands with no outside hunters allowed. I have killed one of my largest bodied deer 200 lbs 8 point on a 40 acre plot next to a 500 acre plot. The owner of the 500 acres was none to pleased with me and if he saw my truck there he would make all sorts of noise driving around his property on that side to scare the deer back further onto his land. What a Dork!!
  9. I have hunted over bait in Louisiana back about 20 yrs ago when I was in the Army and trust me its not all that its cracked up to be. Everyone has these visions of P+Y bucks just walking up to you begging to be shot which can't be further from the truth. I remember only seeing a few doe and small bucks in one area and nothing in the other areas I hunted that week. The big bucks were there at night and regularly seen when shining. I'm sure there are a few guys who get lucky but it's not the Norm. The guys who constantly killed the big ones did there home work and scouted the big buck hide outs and waited for them. They didn't feed the deer during the summer because they wouldn't eat it when they had natural brows and nice plots to eat. Now would it help the deer in NY? To a point I guess. All the research I have read on the subject say's it helps the deer that don't need it whom will keep the deer who need it from eating what they need to replace the calories they burned getting to the feed. Not to mention it concentrates alot of deer in one spot when they are at there most vulnerable condition for disease. And not only CWD but a plethora or other nasty stuff that deer seem to be susceptible to. Plus its bad for the habitat to have that many mouths to feed in one spot also. So yeah you might help a few deer make it through the winter but there is a possibility you could do alot of harm.Keep your deer herds at carrying capacity and your predators in check and you should have plenty of deer make it through the winter.
  10. how often do you mow them or do the deer keep them mowed down for you during the summer?
  11. My only complaint with QDM is that most of the land owners whom I have had run in's with who practice "QDM" seem to think they own all the deer within a mile of thier property. I hunt on land adjacent to a land owner who everytime I shoot a deer he's all of the sudden right there to see it and let me know how old the deer is and how nice a deer he would have been next yr. And its not like im shooting a spike or a four or a basket 8 they are decent deer in anyones book. He missed a monster 8 twice and it ran right to me but it was about 50 yrds in some thick brush. I had a small opening and took a shot which missed and the deer ran off. Well i heard him spin out of his drive way and speed down the road to the land I was on and he drove up and down the road till I came out of the woods. You should have seen the look of relief on his face when I told him I missed it to. He probably just about crapped his pants when he saw the deer run off in my direction and heard me shoot. It just annoys the crap out of me, and I'm all for QDM and AR and anything else that will let bucks get older and bigger. Sometimes I have all season to hunt as much as I like so I hold out for a monster buck and shoot a few does and have eaten a lot of tag sandwhiches this way and have let alot of young bucks go.But sometime I don't have the time during the season to hunt as much as I would like to so the first decent buck that comes along get's it.
  12. Wow, nice plot!! Thats what my brassicas looked like till it frosted on them. They took that right down to the ground to. Chickory should come back again in the spring does it not?
  13. Anyone have any pointers, Ive checked the hay fields and have come up empty handed. I haven't been able to get into the woods all that much yet since the snow is still pretty deep. I walked the deer trails that were beat down in the snow and found nothing. There aren't any cut corn fields within miles of here and when the snow was gone for a few days I checked all the thick pines and still came up with nothing. I know there are bucks still alive because from everyone ive talked to around here only 3 bucks were killed and none of them were the ones I was watching. So from what I can see they either moved over a few hills and got shot or If I do start to find sheds There will be a pile of them because they all started hanging out together again. My buddie has been bugging me to get up to where he hunts at to so we can look for an 8 point in the 130's and a 10 in the 150's that nobody shot but there is still to much snow on the hill there to.
  14. Sweet, so either stock will serve as a fuel source in a pinch
  15. Here's the article if anyone is interested http://www.petersenshunting.com/blogs/editor-large/2011/03/qdm-ruining-deer-hunting
  16. I like the look of wood to, that is what pulled me to the 750 in the 1st place. They still have the gun I took back on the used rack at Gander. The crack has grown to, looks like everyone keeps picking at. And the amazing thing is its the same price I paid for it new. I think the synth. will work out alot better anyway. I usually put my guns through the paces during the season so The stock should hold up a little better. I had a Remington 870 with a wood stock once that by the time I gave it to my dad the stock was a mess from dragging it through the brush all day. I don't want to worry about the finish on my gun when I'm cruising the thickets. Plus the synth. is lighter IMO.
  17. looks like they were trying to make it into a mini 14, quite ugly.
  18. Went out Sunday and criss crossed the fields with my daughter and found zip. Deer tracks an manure all over the place just no bone. Still to much snow in the woods along the fields, probably about a foot. Warming up this week so hopefully it will get better over the next couple of weeks.
  19. maybe ill trick it out like this one
  20. Still haven't got to shoot it yet because of all the snow. Weather is suppose to turn around this week so I should be able to get out in the next couple of weeks and see what it can do. One thing I can tell I don't like already is the trigger. Lots of creep before it breaks. If I like the gun I might take it down to a gun smith and see If I can get another trigger or get this one adjusted if it can be. If I find any problems Ill take it down and sell it and get the pump rifle.
  21. Just use your muzzleloader, even with 150 grains, my muzzleoader kicks half what my12 gauge did.
  22. We had a ladie here in Binghamton a few weeks back that was out shoveling her driveway and felt something pulling on her glove and looked down and had a gray fox attached to her hand. She shook it of and turned to go back to her house and it attached itself to her thigh. She punched it off her thigh and went in the house. She is currently getting her shots and the fox was never found.
  23. I think I would come back with a gun or a stick and beat this dogs brains in
  24. My brassica plot got mowed down the first frost. Guess I need to shoot more deer off the land.
  25. Nice, just proves letting them walk get's them big. http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/hunting/deer-hunting/2011/02/new-nebraska-record-buck-deer-whitetail-petrzilka?photo=10#node-1001383529
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