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Everything posted by erussell

  1. Couldn't help but laugh most the way through this, guys pretty funny. http://www.petersenshunting.com/content/worst-deer-calibers-ever Though it was pretty funny when he was talking about the 300 the .300 RUM is overdoing it. This .404 Jeffery case necked down to .30 is a monster of size, powder burn, recoil and game-mutilating overkill--but at least it will make you deaf. The .300 RUM is a gun I own and shoot, but I wish I had a .300 RCM instead. The last mulie I shot with my .300 RUM was killed at the usual hunting distance of about 100 yards and looked like it had a grenade shoved inside it, like it never had bones, a skin full of slush. There is nothing the RUM can do that a WSM, RCM or even a Winchester Magnum can't, sorry. I don't need a one-inch-longer cartridge case for a meager gain in ballistics, not at the expense of an unwieldy, barrel-throating monster that sometimes gives me a bloody nose just from concussion, not recoil. ON THE OTHER HAND: If you had to pick just one gun--which is always a good idea--to kill about everything in the world with, and you're a guy who deals well with recoil and long actions, it's hard to begrudge these superguns. You will get exit wounds. Bonus: If you miss a dream buck and hit the ground by its feet, it just might trip in the crater the .300 RUM made and break its neck. Also, it's fun to watch the gun geeks crowd around at the range and fondle your carrot-size cartridges, not to mention the fact that nobody is going to call you a wuss. Go ahead, close your eyes, weep softly, and pull that trigger. :D
  2. Maybe the 30-06 has more than enough gas to blow the bolt all the way back and the others are a little short on power? That really doesn't make much sense though sound more like an extractor or possibly a fouled gas tube problem?
  3. Does a Demorat really want freedom though? In my experience, a Democrat wants to force everyone to adopt his values and live in accordance with them through government funded brainwashing called public education and College Education. Libertarians are a misguided group. What they call freedom is actually Anarchy and thier wanting to open the boarders is lunacy. That is why our fore fathers set up an constitional Republic under the rule of law and not a true Democracy. A True Democracy could never really work and is a real pipe dream.
  4. It's Not 'Your' Deer...Is It? December 03, 2009 by Dan Schmidt, editor Beyond the Article This column originally appeared in the January 2010 issue of Deer & Deer Hunting. Click here to see what else is inside. Never miss an issue when you've got a subscription. Read more from Schmidt and the rest of the D&DH crew in the 30-year collection CD. What should be perhaps this year’s best feel-good deer hunting story has turned into one of the most gut-wrenching. It happened when a 12-year-old Wisconsin boy shot an incredible buck while hunting in a special youth-only gun-hunting season in October (click here to see the photo). The mainframe 10-pointer also sports several kicker points and easily surpasses Boone and Crockett record-book standards. We’d love to tell the heart-pounding story and show you more photos of it, but, unfortunately, the family now almost wishes the buck never made an appearance that day. Why? Well, it seems as though some folks in that community, who are apparently avid bow-hunters, aren’t sharing any of the joy. They are allegedly jealous to the point of being peeved. “We don’t know if we even want to tell the story anymore,” the father said during a phone interview with D&DH’s Jake Edson. It seems there is jealously and anger in the community over the fact that the boy was able to shoot this deer during a special youth hunt where kids were allowed to use firearms. When I heard the report, my jaw hit the ground. How in the world could someone be jealous of a kid shooting a big buck? It happens every year, and those are the best deer hunting stories, in my opinion, because they embody everything that hunting should be about: excitement, luck and unbridled enthusiasm. After doing some more background work on this story, we learned that at least one of the jealous hunters was upset because the boy shot what he considered to be “his” deer. The guy apparently had been holding out for this buck for several seasons and, in the process, had obtained several trail camera photos of the deer on his property. After discussing this sad story with another friend of mine, we concluded that as our epiphany moment in trying to understand the mindset. “That is so typical,” my friend said. “A guy gets a trail-cam picture, and now it’s ‘his’ deer.” All I can say is, “wow” — and not in an excited, gosh-that-is-so-cool tone, but rather in utter disbelief. Wow ... really ... has deer hunting gotten this far off track? This twisted? This self-centered? What happened to our common-ground hunting kinship? Can we not extend our hand to a youngster in congratulations on his first buck? Do people honestly believe that free-ranging whitetails — products and property of the public domain — are truly theirs merely because they planted a food plot that the deer ate from or hung a camera that happened to snap a photo of the animal as it walked about freely within its several-square-mile home range? Gosh, I hope not. Would someone please tell me I’m wrong?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All i can say if you are jealous because a kid shot a big deer ( and a mighty fine deer if I may say so ) you need to get a life. I have even seen articles where some areas if someone shoots a big buck they immediatley call in there wildlife officers and run through what happened, where they shot it, where it fell ect. just so other hunters cant start rumors about them jacking the deer or killing it over bait. IMO unless you have the deer chained up to a tree when you shoot it, IT'S NOT YOUR'S. And being a douchebag about it won't make it anymore your deer no matter how many lbs of your food plot it ate. I had an area one time that I shot a nice 200lbs 8 point with the bow. The following yr I was back in the same stand and the neighbor wouldn't stop driving his 4 wheeler around his property while I was there. He would drive by and see my truck from the road and around the property he would go for and hour straight. I never was able to kill a deer there again and stopped hunting it altogether when the owner sold it. Come to find out later I heard from someone else that the trail I was hunting on lead right to one of his food plots and he was angry I was killing "HIS DEER". I have even had a friend one time who put up a stand about 50 yrds from the neighboring property and went to his stand and someone had dumped a whole box of mothballs around his stand. What a bunch of losers.
  5. Just make sure to not get a bull barrel. I love my 700, but with the 26 inch Bull Barrel, scope, bipod, etc, its not exactly fun to carry around lol. Accurate as all get out, but not light. Thats why I got rid of my varmit gun, I carried it around through the woods a few times and it wasn't to much fun. There good guns for pulling up to a field and walking off the road and taking long shots at varmits but walking up steep hills was a pain. I guess im glad I got the 30-06 in the 750 instead of the 308. Have read alot of forums where guys are having ejection problems with the 270 and 308 versions but have not read about any problems with the 30-06 or the 35. Anyone own a 750 in 308 that you had problems with the gun ejecting or feeding the bullets?
  6. My 1st time and 1st line through the ice at Quaker Lake in PA I caught a 17 1/2 inch ( yes I measured it correctly ) perch with a huge belly hanging down, probably a female full of eggs. I was fishing in about 40 ft of water at the time. Later I looked at the state records for PA and my fish looked alot bigger and measured an inch longer than the current record, So i probably caught and released a new PA record Perch. Unfortunately I was alone and no pics so no proof, but she was just to pretty to put on the ice, so after checking her out I tossed her back.
  7. I think I would wait too. Use to fish there all the time in the winter before I got married. When it gets this cold you can still catch fish but the slush ice can be pretty annoying, if you can find open water at all. We mostly hit oswego when it gets this cold, then you can step into one of the businesses right on the water for a bite to eat when it gets unbearable. It's alot of fun, miss going there all the time.
  8. Seems like it would be alot easier and cheaper to just plant a thick stand of pine trees instead of a chain link fence. Plus it would look nicer and not like the Berlin wall. JMO Got out today in the freezing weather and finished up clearing away all the heavy brush. This spring I will take the mower to it and get rid of the rest of it and spray it with weed killer a few times, lime it and fertilize it and then give it a tilling and spray anything that trys to come up again. Then it should be ready for a early August planting of rape, Turnips and winter rye. Im going to give the plot I planted this yr a rest on the turnips and just plant winter rye there in the fall.Going to pick up a Mantis tiller this spring and see how it will work. Has to be better than a shovel and rake Now if I can keep the local morons off the property with there 4-wheelers ( maybe some neck high barbed wire or some tire spikes will work. I just don't understand some peoples thinking when you pile dead logs on the trail and put posted signs on all the trees around it and they still ride around it > ) I might be able to keep some deer on the property.
  9. erussell


    Pretty Gun, still wouldn't part with my Triumph though. Way easier to clean than an Omega. Can't beat break action and hand removable breech plug.
  10. Gave it a cleaning last night, my wife kept asking me when I was going to stop fondling my gun and help make dinner.
  11. Anyone try the 209 barrel for the mossberg 500 shotgun yet?
  12. Wow the Bar cost double the Remington, I hope it has heat seaking bullets.
  13. time for a bigger house, your running out of room.
  14. all i could find on it from the Buffalo News paper Big bow buck Northern Orleans County has the right growing soil for big whitetail bucks. After a 194 green score came in, Mike Biernacki of Medina downed a big buck at 20 yards with his Browning bow on Nov. 18. Biernacki’s buck sported 17 points and a rough/green score puts it at 203 (and seven-eighths), according to official scorer Alan Kozody. “That’s all we do,” Biernacki said of his bow hunting for deer with son, Steve, 20. “I’ve been hunting with dad since I turned 14 and could get out with the bow,” Steve said of their outings. Steve took a nine-pointer, his “Halloween buck,” on Oct. 31 from the same stand from which dad got his 17-pointer
  15. Without looking at the receipt I think it was around 650 or less. Alot of money IMO for a gun used to kill deer But ive always wanted one. I actually went to look for a pump rifle but really liked the way the semi handled.
  16. I have 2 new plots I would like to put in This yr. 1 is a small one just inside the woods on a trail and will just require a little tilling lime and fertilizer and the other 1 is about 40 yrds by 40 yrds and brush covered. I spent a cold afternoon the other day cutting the brush off it and have about half of it done. Would like to get all the brush off before spring so I can bring the brush hog in and cut it as low as I can get it and kill the grass and get it tilled under. Im still trying to decide what to plant
  17. Anyone remember hearing about this monster? NYantler ? http://outdoornews.com/new_york/multimedia/photos/hunting/image_75791b35-eaef-5364-b32f-c0e1ee77e433.html
  18. LOL Totally threw me off,Thought I missed a reply, I went back and re read the thread trying to figure out where that cam from.
  19. I almost had them order a 308 for me but I have never owned a 30-06 so I decided to go with it. Interested to see the difference in recoil. Shouldnt be to bad since its gas operated.
  20. I ended up taking it back today. The forend had a 1inch hairline crack in it that I had missed when inspecting it at the store. After a season of snow and a few 30-06 recoils im sure it would have split real nice. I took it back to Gander and they were going to send out for another one at the syracuse store for me. But they went in the back to look for another one and found a synthetic stocked one and I took that one instead with a refund of the difference. I think the synthetic will be better for deer hunting in the snow and rain anyhow. On the upside I got refunded enough to buy a base and scope rings so Ill have to throw her together sometime this week.
  21. I bought new, they had it marked $60 off so I decided to grab it. I wanted the synthetic version but after handling the wood (lol) which they had in stock, and after walking around the store and thinking about it a bit I decided on it. Its a sharp looking gun. I was suprised by how well it just fell right into my shoulder and lined right up on target. Very nice handling gun.
  22. Picked up a Remington 750 semi auto in 30-06 carbine today. Anyone else use one of these. How do you like it. I unfortunatly did not have enough left to pick up a base and rings and ammo after I bought the gun and scope so it will be awhile before I can scrape up the money and get it sighted in. All the reviews I have read said it was a vast improvement from the 7400 so im excited to get out and blast some targets with it.
  23. Like vjp said bullet design is critical. A bullet that can travel at high speed and not explode is critical and your options for this are very poor for a 22-250. With that said I have actually seen a pile of deer taken with 22-250 and 223. A land manager for a huge lease in Alabama use to use a 22-250 to take cull doe with. They would get permits from state to lower the population. And his weapon of choice was a remington 700 varmit rifle in 22-250. He would drive around the lease and shoot doe in the head with it. He use to pull up to the store I worked at with 8 - 10 doe in the back of his truck. I use to use a 25-06 for deer hunting and killed a few deer and pigs with it but had the problem of the soft point light bullets for it ( 100 grain ) would explode and cause a lot of meat damage. It killed the deer but had terrible expansion problems. I would stick to a gun that was a tad slower and heavier bullets no lighter than 130 grains. Just my opinion though.
  24. Interesting article on feeding deer in the winter. Lots of interesting articles on food plots and feeding also on this site. http://www.whitetailstewards.com/articlesonsite/deerhabitatmanagement/winterfeeding.htm I Have also seen several articles about how summer supplemental feeding is also a waste of time and money unless you have a really overpopulated deer herd, then a good schelaking of the herd would benefit them more than feeding. They can get all the nutrition they need through natural vegetation during the summer unless there is some sort of drought episode.
  25. Benoits sure got some nice bucks, some of there deer are pushing 300lbs http://www.benoitsbigbucks.com/index.html
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