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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I would hope that the youth hunt isn't the one and only exposure to deer hunting a young hunter would experience.....my son tagged along with me on many freezing cold unsuccessful deer hunts, so he wasn't set up for an "unrealistic expectation" about hunting deer and the youth hunt was just another chance to get out there.......NY was way behind other states with youth seasons, and a lot of those states are in warm climate areas, I doubt it spoiled many kids into thinking it's easy.

  2. Vector --  My dog drinks the same water as these deer and probably has many of the worms that they do too.  I trust his nose to judge what's good for him.


    jjb4900 -- No one said anything about eating the guts.  I'm talking about the organs of the animal, which are too rich in nutrients and proteins to go to waste.  Both liver and kidneys detoxify the body in addition to many other functions.  Just because you have an emotional or visceral reaction to eating them doesn't disqualify them as food.

    Lighten up Frances.....it was a joke.

  3. Thanks cdmckane.  I'm gonna consider myself lucky that didn't happen to me. 


    JRM you got it.  The regs are straightforward, I just wasn't looking in the right place.


    jjb4900, where would you go to be grumpy if people like me didn't ask stupid questions?

    not a stupid question at all...but it's all in the regs and a better place for sound advice as opposed to getting "variations" of the way others interpret them.

  4. I just got an email from DEC telling me that some of my tags only have 8 numbers instead of 12, and that when I go to report a harvest I need to add 4 zeros to the beginning of the number, gotta love the things that are someone else's screwup and we're the one's who have to go out of our way to may it work...

  5. yeah, it's quieted down the last few years, not many people complaining about it ruining their archery season....with that being said, it was great when my son was still young enough to go. I had a great time taking him out and wish he was still young enough to go. I wish the best of luck to all of you with kids young enough to participate, a great opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your kids..Enjoy!!!!!!

  6. Bacteria grows rapidly at any temp above....40, 45 degrees? I think is what we teach in hunter ed? Gotta grab 'em when they are fresh. And be sure to thoroughly cook them after that. My old zoology instructor, a profsssional in the 'tape worm world', used to constantly tell me there were more 'foreign objects' growing in a deer liver than any other animal organ he had ever examined.

    yeah, I was under the impression that the liver is a filter that removes all the impurities out of the body, so that is probably pretty accurate.........too much good meat on a deer to resort to eating the guts.

  7. if the guy is already on stand and you come in later STAY AWAY......wait by his vehicle if you really need to talk to him....if he's coming in after you're already in your stand and he's climbing up when he knows you're there, then screw him and do it when you want.

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