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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. my post wasn't just directed at this gentleman, it was a general observation.........there seems to be a lot of people who obviously don't read and know basic regulations whether it be discharge distance, how many bucks they are allowed to take, what each tag is good for, and a slew of other questions that are clearly printed and easily, and more importantly, PROPERLY answered if they got the answers from reading the regulations. I apologize if I used this hunters question to point that out and offended him in any way.

  2. I really wasn't directing that entirely at you, it just got me thinking about how many people don't know what, when or where their tags are good for.........if you're new at this then reading the regs. yourself, like you obviously just did, is the best way to answer those questions........good luck.

    • Like 1
  3. not only does it come with a fine, DEC confiscates your gear for a bit as well. or atleast thats what happened to someone i knew a few years back

    I think if you're actually caught in the act of hunting over bait you can kiss your gear goodbye......at least until after the case is settled.

  4. I have a similar problem. Just bought some land and was looking for spots last weekend and found a stand actually a few that are on the property or right on the line facing mine. One in particular is well with in the line. The property was unused for many years and unposted.id like to use the stand and it doesn't look like it's been used in awhile.

    since you own the property, I would think you can do as you please with whatever is on it.............I would just be careful of using any stand that has been out for any lenght of time. Definitely get some posted signs up in the area were the stands face your property.

  5. I'm assuming you don't own the land, so one thing I would suggest is to speak to the landowner before you take any action......myself and a group of others had "exclusive" rights to a large piece of property at one time, one of the others caught a "trespasser" on the property and got into an altercation with him, turned out to be a relative of the property owner who unknown to us, also had permission......end result was we were asked not to come back.

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  6. I didn't know the term "if it's brown it's down" was specifically meant that you were heading out to kill a fawn..........could very well be the guy who passed on smaller bucks all year hoping for a really nice one has finally decided he'll settle for the smaller 6 or 8 he passed up all season.......couple weeks ago my wife asked me if I was gonna "put the smackdown on a big old swampy donkey", haven't spoken to her since.

    • Like 2
  7. media driven paranoia.


    You should now all realize that how your acting is exactly how uneducated people act about gun control when the media scares them a little.


    Do your research before you freak. I have been on several conference calls with my company and very knowledgeable doctors. This is NOT an issue. You should NOT cancel your travel plans.

    so you'd take a trip to Liberia?

  8. GPS coordinates. Who's owns the property is irrelevant for the baiting activity.

    never mentioned ownership, I mentioned access........my guess is they would want more info than that, but I could be wrong, I think a lot of the tips don't get looked into based on lack of good info. There's gotta be a house or parking area somewhere around that the person using the bait is using for access.

  9. I wonder how this would play out for many if while away at hunting camp, they look out the window and see a huge buck on the property that could easily and legally be shot by opening the door and shooting from the porch..........oh wait, I already know the answer.

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  10. you said you walked what you THINK is the property line.....for all you know the feeder can actually be on your property. I would find out exactly what is yours and take it from there. I wouldn't assume the feeder is on someone else's property and start hunting nearby, if it turns out to be on the property you own and hunt it may be a problem for you.....if in doubt call DEC and get it taken care of. 

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  11. the biggest problem is the way the laws are written, instead of being cut and dry, they can be open to interpretation to those who enforce them.....and if they write a ticket and you go to court and win, they're really not getting screwed...they just lose the case and you still are inconvenienced by having to go to court and fight it.

  12. what's your plan for cooking the ribs? I heard they can be a little harsh due to all the fat on them.......never tried it, but was told to par boil them and let the fat cook out and float to the top, let it cool and scoop that off and then cook them as you want

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