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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. This guy reminds me a lot of many other parents who push their kids into sports, more so for them than the kids.........different sport, same story.....you good probably film that same crap on an early Sunday morning with a father dragging his son out of the house to participate in football.

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  2. I would think that the info on the Complaint Record and Permit Form that is put out by the DEC would be standard .

    I was on one issued to an airport...........was pretty much 24/7 year round and allowed taking of bucks and does (antlers had to be turned in). It could very well be that ones issued to Farms are pretty standard, but there are different types issued for different reasons.

  3. The funniest thing about this post is the SAME topic, was posted by the SAME guy, last year around the SAME time. :rolleyes:



    There's also a post in last years "Live from the stand 2013" from the SAME guy talking about his own complete miss.

    Not exactly what you'd expect from one of our "top echelon archers" as he refers to them.....so maybe some guys need to take their own own advice before opening their mouths and being so critical of others abilities.


    BTW- I still need to google what a pugilist is.

    I might be one and I don't even know it! :cheese:

    that's great..........gotta love it. 

  4. I know rabies is transmitted through saliva and can only be tested using brain matter I believe. The most common carrier of rabies is the raccoon which is actually the only animal that can cure rabies by its self. 

    I didn't think there was any cure from rabies once symptoms appear........I was under the impression that it's always fatal.

  5. the majority of the guys that I have seen getting crossbows are guys that have already been bowhunters for many years..............the two guys who I know that are first year archers are starting out with compound bows. I'm sticking with my compound......I actually looked at a few when I was at the bow shop yesterday, big, heavy and bulky really didn't come to mind when I was handling them.

  6. My first deer with a bow took 7 years. Back in the 60's, a bunch of us guys would have Monday morning gatherings around the coffee pot at work and talk over the events of our bowhunts over the weekend. The big topic back then was when somebody actually saw a deer. And boy did the stories get super involved and intense when someone actually got a shot. And if somebody actually got one, the BS session went well into actual working hours.....lol. And there was no question of "Gee, what did he score?" First of all it wasn't likely to even be a buck, and second there was nobody knew or cared about any kind of scoring system.


    So 5 years without getting a deer is not anything that is going to get my sympathy..... lol. People sure have gotten spoiled rotten these days.

    sounds familiar....and your closing sentence is spot on.

  7. So how do you guys in the unions feel about your PAC money being used to support someone you don't?

    I don't lose any sleep over it...this certainly isn't the first or last time they'll support someone I don't, pretty sure I'm not going to quit my job because of it.

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  8. that's what happens when things get edited in and out, sometimes things are thrown into spots they don't belong and make things appear as something they're not...........although I'm pretty sure the kid said his brother shot the deer in the neck to finish it off, not sure if that's legal or not, but probably best left out.

  9. I guess if you don't buy a license or anything other than a box of shells, you can fill the freezer for cheap.......just shoot them alongside the road on your way to pick up your nightly 12 pack of Keystone Light.......

  10. If your a person from downstate, like you are, then of course you think baiting is unnecessary.  Chances are you don't care about eating the animal, just want a trophy to bring back and show to the other cityidiots down your way.  However, for the people upstate whom a lot of them rely on the meat, it does not matter how they get a deer, because they are not shooting one to bring back to the 9-5 and brag about, they're shooting a deer to eat and live.  Baiting IMO should be legalized, especially for the people who rely on the animal every year for meat in their freezer.  

    you sound like a man who's no stranger to spotlighting and baiting deer..........not sure who you offend more, upstate or downstate people.......

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