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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I had my feet on the bow, drew back slightly with on arm and applied the wax with the other.


    I dropped it off at Pro-Line in Queens today.  Went outside and grabbed a bite to eat.  Came back and it was all ready on the table.  Guy charged me $2.  I then stayed there and shot the bow for a 2 hours with breaks in between.

    I knew it! I did the same thing with the same results once...

  2. orange hat all the time.  However I do not feel it necessary to make others safer

    I don't think the majority of us wear it to make others feel safer....I'm fairly confident I won't shoot another person whether or not they're wearing it, I wear it to make myself feel safer.

  3. except for now you pay tax...

    as much as that sucks, at least now NY is getting some sales tax revenue....if we all spent more money at local stores instead of sending our money elsewhere the state would be in better shape, as much as people don't like the sound of that, if you live here spend local......I'm guilty as the next, I spend a fortune every year on internet purchases with no money coming to my home state from them.

  4. Just throwing this out there regarding DMP's and not looking to start another crossbow debate

    From what I'm seeing how the way the regs are worded you need the muzzleloader tag to use crossbow during the second half of bow which would make it a guaranteed doe tag for $15.00 in ANY zone that crossbows can be used Landowner or not

    So if your looking to put some meat in the freezer go for it!

    Correct me if I'm wrong on this

    think you're correct, or get into muzzleloading.....that was my solution to slim pickings as far as the dmp's go.....and you can get a decent muzzleloader for a lot less than a decent crossbow.

  5. At this point, I was just trying to understand how it all works.


    Sure, there has to be a limit and 50 acres seems a reasonable place to draw the line. At the same time, it can seem a little strange that you can own land in a unit like 4O, pay taxes on that land, but not be able to get a DMP to hunt that same land. That person owning a condo in NYC has the same chance of getting a DMP in 4O as the resident who owns 49 acres in 4O.


    But that's the way it is. Government works in mysterious ways.


    Where I do have a "problem" is the "pay to play" lottery system. Using 4O as an example again - you must have PP to have a chance at a DMP. That requires you to pay for that tag for 1-3 (or more) years. For at least the first year (and likely more) you are _guaranteed_ to get nothing (except a point to apply the following year).


    One could argue it is "only" $10 a pop. I still have a problem with the concept of giving money to the government in the hope that, through some "behind closed doors" process, they may (or may not) provide me something in return at some point in the future.



    Regarding the "highest tax payer first" idea... they are already doing that with the >50 acre rule. Theoretically, the owner of 50 acres is paying more taxes than the owner of 20, 30 or 40. So the system is giving preferential treatment to the highest tax payers. I am not necessarily disagreeing with the land ownership requirement, only pointing out that it contradicts your argument.

    but there are parts of Westchester and L.I. were the guy who only owns an acre with a house, is paying thousands more than a guy who owns 50 acres in many northern areas........50 acres in some parts are paying thousands less than much smaller parcels elsewhere...that's the point I was trying to make.

  6. I've never heard many complaints about the preferential way dmp's are given out to landowners of 50 acres or more and NYS residents.....if they started giving them out based on the simple fact of people being property tax paying residents of NY it would be a disaster, because then what, do they issue them to the highest tax payer first?

  7. Sad place where a land owner that pays taxes on his property year in and year out and cant get a tag to take a deer, Regardless of land size. I can see giving very few doe tags out to an area if the deer #'s do not warrant it but any and all land owners should come first in any selection!

    by that thinking, anyone who owns a any taxed property, whether it be a coop / condo in the heart of NYC, a postage stamp sized piece of property on Long Island or a 1000 acres in northern NY, should all be on a level playing field....I think a guy who has 50 acres or more should get a slight edge over some of the others......but that's just my thoughts.

  8. although they are nice to look at I don't think you want them spreading that trait around, as far as I know they are genetically inferior....I've taken one in the past and have seen a few others that were taken, every one of them had something wrong with some part of them.

  9. a lot of times they don't want hunters out during regular hours because the deer problem exists on working farms, which means workers out in the fields and customers at farm stands and out at the "pick your own " farms during daylight hours........the farmers aren't usually too concerned with offering a quality hunting experience and if you don't do it someone else will...I've been on a few and the landowners wanted nothing to do with guys who didn't produce, they were asked not to come back.

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  10. I find it hard to see how anyone can equate the guy who spends time and money improving their land to attract and hold wildlife to the guy who goes to the store and grabs a bag of corn and dumps it in front of their stand......I don't have the luxury of a large enough piece of land to improve, but hold no ill will towards the guy who does, now the guy who dumps bait out to attract deer is another story.

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